If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

No that’s not how theories work
You made two statements that contradict each other and one of them is wrong

You can’t multi box free (alpha accounts) and gank a freighter unless that freighter pilot is not paying any attention. (And even then that would be just one account.). You can’t run multiple accounts at a time unless they are all omega. As well alphas in high sec are now trigger locked. So what you said doesn’t happen.

I don’t like suicide ganking but let’s not lie or make an unrealistic scenario/issue about it.

I guess this is one way to make a campaign speech…

–Gadget won’t vote for you


No one is saying that alpha accounts are being used. “Free” refers to Omega accounts that dont need higher skillpoints (gank toons) and then sell back the injectors to pay for the game time which makes all accounts free after 5m SP. (and technically you can go to 5m as alpha if you want to wait for months so start them up now.)

I don’t call those free. Someone somewhere still has to have paid for plex and it goes to the market. And that is fine by me. Those aren’t free accounts they’re still working for them (gotta also buy extractors and what not.)

Bro… free is free. You can extract the skillpoints and sell the the Large Skill Injectors for the same price of the plex and the extractors. No offense but what part of this not understandable? Ill clarify. The only thing you need to do is make in intital investment which is not free so its isk locked away forever. (think if it like an initial deposit and not an ongoing monthly cost. But once you do that… there are ZERO additional costs for as many accounts as you desire and every single toon can be Omega.
Literally for every 1200 plex that you can come up with is enough to add another toon to your accounts that is Omega and Zero ongoing cost afterward and forever. This is why you see so many people with massive amounts of toons.

Aren’t you the guy who wants to add a ‘PvP opt out’ button so that people…erm…can’t lose.

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The part where you skip over someone at some point having to buy plex to do things. Like yes the ganker in this scenario is offloading that cost with in game money but it still drives the economy and at some point real money is involved. Like bro, it’s not ‘free’. If you want it to be harder to do that fine but that’s a whole nother discussion about plex and injectors.

It’s also not an infinitely scaling thing, at some point plex for isk trade is going to go up due to the demand of account after account being added on for isk.

So no, it’s not free.


Business classes need to be mandatory before commenting on the challenges any studio large/small. :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It would save us from so many OPs like these and so many more.

All things considered; EVE online is doing great from the 2000 era of MMOs. Literally the market has moved on from MMOs to singleplayer hits. I mean we COULD be like Elite Dangerous atm… I am proud we (EVE online) is not like Elite Dangerous as they are struggling to cling to existence. Fan fest will be fun. CCP will get the press and EVE online will probably be around for at least 5-10+ years.

Stellaris, Falling Frontier, Starfield, and some others are pretty decent out there. All w/o the baggage of maintaining a community and server.


But of course, the difference is that most of the solo player games have easy, medium, or difficult settings…which Eve doesn’t have nor should have.

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Imma give up trying to make sense for you… I literally have a ■■■■ ton of free omega toons doing exactly what Im talking about and you still cant understand its the reality of eve? wtf dude lol. I guess you can lead a horse to water, make em stand in it and drink it yourself and some still wont drink.

OP, I have read the topic again and laughed to myself. This is what made me to.

The first part:
“If the number of players on the server…”
can be understood as
“If some of the players…”

and the rest of the sentence makes an interesting whole…

“…is not higher…” :rofl:

Is it some kind of veiled threat towards those not using boosters or those refusing to grow :thinking:

It’s better to complain about the little things that you can fix yourself and let the big dogs chew on the rest!


Pretty sure you are talking about yourself…

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You don’t even come close to breaking even on extraction anymore.

Four large injectors (which is almost how much SP’s worth you can train with +5 implants) sell for about 3.4 billion ISK after fees and taxes. 500 PLEX cost 2.45 billion ISK, and 4 extractors cost 1.7 billion ISK. That’s a 750 million ISK shortfall, which in reality is greater since the actual maximum training rate is 1,944,000 SP per 30 days instead of an even 2,000,000, and the possibility of additional fees to relist market orders, using cheaper implants because +5s are too risky in certain active gameplay applications, et cetera.


Inflation has pretty much put the nail in the coffin for SP farms.

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The best thing CCP can do to both increase the value of SP and increase the amount of money they make from their cash shop is reducing the injection penalty. Players would be much more keen on changing their skill builds if up to 70% of the SP wasn’t disappearing into the ether. Something like a 1% reduction for every 5 million SP after the first 5 million would be much more reasonable.


Not of a a fan of the SP reduction on skill injectors at all tbh. I mean what is the point of it?

SP needs to be consumed for pricing to be stable. Otherwise its value will spiral down, unless the game’s population is in constant growth to drive demand, which will probably never be the case again. So a tax is mandatory. It’s just that having the tax rate go up to 70% is stupid.

you are missing a few things. the huge discounts before every other quartal ends, subbing for a year is cheaper, you can set up another toon on your account with perfect remap and +5 implants, login and event rewards and you can also have passive income with a toon if someone can be bothered to this stuff…

i guess thats not all that relevant in this context, because most ppl who can afford to buy a year of omega dont really need to save isk, or play for free. selling sp can still be profitable though.