If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Suren except that does not =/= with CCP …

You are missing the entire point of my post. The person said it’s free to run an Omega account if you roll over injectors; it’s not, and costs a minimum of 750 million ISK per month to do so. That you can earn additional ISK and/or skill points by doing other things is completely beside the point. That you can head out and grind out 500 million ISK an hour for 5 hours in a titan doesn’t make your Omega account free, as that’s an additional time/effort expenditure outside of the baseline. The “minerals I mine are free” viewpoint has nothing to do with the argument being made.


dont know why you bring this up? i paid 17b for a year sub, now go and figure how much isk i get if i would sell the sp from this year.

Yes, but the Devs don’t have to take that advice. If you look at the old forums, CSM advised CCP NOT to let alphas have BS but the Devs did it anyway. CCP subsequently stopped alphas doing L4 missions - in BS (cough) - 'cause they were earning too much isk. And presumably also having “too much fun” as F2P players and not converting to omega? Bottom line, CSM might well be worth dumping, but player numbers in the end are much more down to CCP’s actions. Or inactions.

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SP farms drop the cost of plexing of course but do not cover the entire cost to buy 500 plex.

Inflation makes 500 plex more expensive so people need to play the game more to make up for that. Running PI more often, putting in those few extra hrs doing abyss, and so on.

They cited botting for that.

And no, missions are not nearly enough to sub as an alpha. They make maybe 50mil/hr… XD

CCP’s research division just raised $40 M (in last 5-6 months) in external funding. Target is a blockchain-enabled web3 game. Centred on EvE or EvE-adjacent. One of the proposed attributes for any web3 game is player consensus would be needed before altering the game experience. That would make CSM-like activity redundant and put the power in the hands of “contemporary gamers”?

Seems to me the cheapest first development option might be to take “the old game”, as is now, wipe all the SP and assets, make it playable/ payable via blockchain only (no alphas), then just let it flow. As a separate entity. A fresh start, where future development would be driven via player consensus. If not, that $40 M investment this financial year, plus the apparent $51 M write down last FY (of the value of CCP games as seen by Pearl Abyss) might not bode well for the future (development) of EvE in any cuurently recognisable form?

I mean I’m not the one not understanding reality here, don’t know what to tell you.

Main point of injectors is for newer players and characters to catch up is why. And I agree with that. If you don’t give newer players anyway to close the skill gap it feels like you’ve lost before you even start. You’re so far behind that it’ll be years before you can realistically compete in a lot of areas. As well being time gated to alot of content that your friends can play but you can’t is pretty bad game design. Injectors giving more to less skill points characters essentially and mainly is for newer to let’s say mid skill points level retention. A lesser benefit/goal is allowing senior players to put isk into reducing time needed to advance skills and unlock content for their retention.

Indeed…anything that requires time input cannot really be said to be ‘free’. Given that we all have finite time, then time is itself a cost. Those 5 hours could have been spent doing something else. True ‘free’ means ’ here…have this…there is no obligation or cost whatever '.

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Ew. No. You want to kill the game and the company, this is how you do it. Blockchain bs does nothing for eve.

i paid 3500 plex (it was apparently 3240) for a year, this is less than 300 for a month. i wonder why ppl have to bring up such shitty examples? ofc it is not profitable when you cant make it profitable, but this does not mean it cant be profitable.

that sounds like a you issue, if you need 5 hours to make a few market orders.

That is your opinion, and might also be correct. And yet, CCP Games are betting $40 mil on it. Tru, they might not actually apply the blockchain concept to EvE. In which case, they won’t be applying that $40 mil on EvE either. All this in the first financial year after they made a $7 mil (?) operating loss. (Which is on top of the $51 mil write-down.)

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SP needs to be consumed for pricing to be stable.

Im not sure what you mean by stable. But what happens when a veteran stops logging in, isnt all his SP consumed? Why the tax on active players?

If you don’t give newer players anyway to close the skill gap it feels like you’ve lost before you even start.

This seems like a made up problem. Or it is certainly a double edged sword, because you penalize the older character in order to benefit the newer one so what do you gain? Maybe the player with the older character is more likely to stop playing than a new player is likely to stay when you introduce this sort of discrimination :thinking: If thats the case and you are trying to gain players then you have just accomplished the opposite

Every big patch has a ton of feedback from players. Its right there in the comments. It takes 5-10 minutes to read it. There is no need for CSM other than for CCP to launder this responsibility?

Imo if the idea of the CSM was to bring CCP and players closer i think it has done the opposite

But lets be honest, there are deeper problems. And if i had to guess its that CCP handles criticism poorly. They can not handle player feedback very well. It triggers them. And the last thing they want to do is work on something that a player suggested, or a problem they had. Thats the cold hard truth imo. And pointing it out probably wont help :slight_smile: But what is there to lose… Maybe i can get banned?

It didn’t feel like I had lost before I started years ago when you didn’t have an unlimited skill training list.

Did it bother me that others had started playing before me? No. Most games on the market are like that whether you’re grinding for gear or waiting for a skill to finish. In fact when the game was like that we had more players regularly logging in.

Could it be argued that skill injectors are in part causing the increasing decline in log ins?

You come across as an impatient instant gratification type of player.

EVE’s problem is the same as Western societies’ problem. Those in charge are benefiting from maintaining the short-term status quo of the system and thus can’t be trusted to change the system. Even if that means sacrificing the long-term feasibility of the said system.

CSM is actually part of the problem as it is made up of people in relative positions of power within the systems community. They have vested interests in not shaking things up too much that it would compromise their positions.

For example a number of the CSM candidates this time around are from large alliances as per normal. One or two of them have been very vocal in the community so far as to even instruct people they run alliances for in-game to stop playing in protest at times.
despite the fact they are like most people in positions of power fairly detached from the day-to-day experiences of their alliance members.
Some of them are in direct oversight of troubling trends in third-party organizations.
For example, a number of Alliances operate policies such as fining their members for breaking alliance rules or policies. Yet there is no discussion as to how this affects the player base. No oversight of how alliances operate from CCP to maintain the spirit of the game.

I have come closer to quitting EVE over nonsense alliance policies and how alliance leaders treat some members than anything CCP has done in the last few years. Being fined for Typing something in the wrong format in an alliance chat. having rules about where and when you can use certain ships on the penalty of a fine if not (especially capital ships). and so on and on and on. Alliance leaders actively collude with supposed hostile alliance leaders for their own gains.
Alliance leaders who have behaved shamefully towards certain players.
I’ve known more people quit EVE permanently because of poor corporation and alliance behavior and management than any other reason.
In fact, the only change CCP has made that comes close is the manufacturing changes that added all the reaction crap. Nearly every other change CCP has done has resulted in people taking breaks, even long multi-year breaks. But not actually quit.
And sadly this is also an EVE-wide issue. it’s no one Alliance or group or even individual.

So the real question is if CCP will take drastic enough steps to make the game fun but also if it will take control of its end game back from TOXIC institutions currently operating outside its ability to monitor and control which the CSM is actually enabling.

The good step would be to have half the CSM made up of high hours played random players. People who can give an insight into the game from an average player’s point of view. selected from stats CCP must have at hand.

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I don’t know if I could physically roll my eyes further back in my head.


I agree and disagree here with what you said. Yes the demographic is getting smaller over time, but this is mostly due to half of their base has DIED of old age. The CSM is not the only one to blame but they do share the blame, not that they ran around poisoning the player’s Cream of Wheat.

PvP is getting small for other reasons too. One only needs to look at YouTube about any PvP game to see the videos, “How to cheat at game X” or “Why are there so many cheaters in game X?”. Last month I saw a video on a robotic mouse, that literally can see the screen via webcam, and without any scripts or special drivers, it will get you head-shots on all your opponents.

How are game companies suppose to check the hardware for this stuff? PlayStation has a list of banned controllers. Meaning, if you use them, you could get banned from their PvP games. Think long and hard about buying those high priced PvP controllers.

PvP in EVE online appeals to this crowd. However this game is full of botters and cheaters most likely using cloud servers to run a mass alpha bots to gain their ISK to obtain the bigger ships. At some point, ALL the PvP games will need to change their format to prevent or make this behavior unrewarding. Unfortunately no one has the magic solution for this yet.

I have been in a lot of PvP game forums where the most common posting is “I was banned for no reason”. Mostly EA in games. Why isn’t there many topics here? It tells you the cheaters are: a) not being detected b) not getting caught and or c) not being punished. This makes this EVE online a PvP cheater’s proving grounds and a botter’s paradise.

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… or d) cheating is not a big issue in EvE

… with all the selective (you only see the perceived bad cases ever) and uninformed communication (new people assume but don’t understand) nowadays about all kind of things …

But this plays also in my demographic argument, as maybe people lost their capability to think and act independently?

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Only to you, it’s not made up at all and was even cited by CCP as a problem trying to get more people to pick up the game after so long