If your client language is set to "xx" country - What do you get in local?

I’ll hop to the point here…

Does your Client’s default language affect Jita local ?

My Point…

Any new player will be told that Jita is the place to make ISK… (I feel it’s accepted since CCP have chosen to make jita 4-4 the ONLY hub they advertise)
Jita Local is un-readable for any new player…

It’s just an example of Macro’s gone wrong - and since those are not supposed to be allowed - HOW THE HELL have some many players gotten away with it…

@Developers Fix the issues you have with guiding new players towards the SINGLE hub you suggest to sell at…

I see russian among other different languages in local, not just English

Me too - and Spanish asIT so happens but sadly, I am of the age where Spanish was NOT taught at my school…

I’m NOT so good with Russian, OR any other language either…

It’s not so hard to FIX tho…

STOP the Macro users - and convert local to “Local languge” settings…

Just an Idea…

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Great ! Then noobs wont get scammed…as scams are effectively the entire content of Local in Jita.


Every player should get scammed at least once. I never fell for it twice…

(Lucky cheap loss at the time)

What has Jita Local got to do with making isk?

First, I’m pretty sure that client language settings only change the language of the client, not of the interaction with other players.

Player names, corporation names, chat (including jita local) will not somehow change language when you change your game language settings, those players will still talk in their own language.

Second, I’ve never heard of Jita 4-4 referred to as ‘the place to make ISK’.

Jita is the biggest trade hub in the game and therefore Jita is a good place to sell or buy items due to the large volume of demand and supply.

If you wish to make ISK there are many other places and activities where you can make ISK. For many activities Jita is in fact bad to make ISK.

Lastly, if you want to deal with Jita local, just rightclick block the spammers. You may even find regular players talking in local who have done the same.


Jita is also a place where you can buy discount Geckos for only 1 mil ISK a piece. :wink:

I had idea that only CCP and GM can suspend ability to write there in local for common players, and then write there as only persons allowed.

That would clear things when its needed.

But there are different things to gather players, like making a channel in game and then distributing its name where you want. In game or outside. There are also public fleet ads in fleet window.

I leave Local minimized while in Jita. There’s enough spam and scams irl to bother with it in a game.
I don’t hang out in Jita anyway, I just go there to buy/sell and gtfo as fast as possible.


If you meant ‘Convert in-game local chat language to show with Client language settings.’

Then yes, that definitely should be implemented…

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