Remembering sigs ignored the last time one was online would be a serious QOL. This would allow for sigs ignored from a previous session to persist during the next session and the one afterwards into oblivion. This would be of major benefit for wh scouts, people scanning their home wh, people backpacking from shattered whs, Thera participators, nullsec anom enthusiasts, DED runners on their DED routes, folks looking for whs to haul their stuff from their current location to a trade hub, and the gas cloud enjoyer. If it’s not stuck in POS code, lets take a look at it CCP and get this QOL change implemented!
TL;DR: Read above. (Read below in between probe scans)
Instances where such a QOL change would be of benefit
Logged off for a couple hours or DCd? all of the previous sigs are shown, regardless if they were ignored the last time you were online.
Logging back on and looking for new sigs? All the previous one’s you ignored when you were online earlier have to be ignored again.
Backpacking out of a shattered wh and looking for new sigs? Those 30+ sigs are there again for you to sift through for the new sigs.
Running around your prized DED routes or looking for specific combat/belt anoms? All the sigs are back for you to sift through again. That one annoying site someone jumped the gate yesterday, but can only be ran by them, still pops up too the next time you login.
New Patch released/other server instability issues causing you to DC again and again, forcing you to sift through the same sigs again? Time to look through the bookmarks for the ones you already scanned again.