I'm a Space Hobo

Btw as this thread is dead anyway as the OP has ragequit :face_with_hand_over_mouth: in more detail as far as I understand it works like this:

  • When you load the link in the post it activates the related function in the forum software (discourse) and looks up the page the link is pointing to (this happens client side I guess so it is your computer that looks up the site).

  • Steam store provides the game’s store page dynamically based on the request’s geolocation (yours, the server provided as your source location, VPN might alter it which is the very purpose of such but depending on your provider the geolocation might be incorrect or even deliberately obfuscated) thus if someone through a German source looks it up it provides the German page by default (or at least the local currency associated with Germany) and so on.

  • The forum software pulls the data from the loaded steam store page and creates the preview then inserts it in the post. (Thus you will see the details or at least the currency according to your local one, or the one the geolocation points out as the source, though it might be imprecise.)

All this happens in almost an instant though. At least this is my educated assumption how this works, which might be not entirely accurate in the end though.

Edit: Note that discourse is like a complex script, not just a basic static or simply scripted forum like the old ones, it is a full program in script form that is running in your browser.

The beacon would deliver :wink:

If you look at the list of skills we have, how would you propose to earn them by playing the game ? Which would you take first ? Which last ? And why ?
Seen from that perspective you may have to adjust your opinion. The possibilities (and choices) in this game are huge.

I hear you on that. The EVE forums do generate a fair bit of lively discussion - sometimes too lively.

It’s unfortunate that out of the hundreds of thousands of EVE players that a dozen or two apparently exist only to make the forums as unwelcoming as possible. Even though that’s an incredibly tiny percent (that would generally get banned in most other game forums), it’s a very visible small portion.

My own schedule keeps me out of EVE and the forums for approximately half the year, most years. I do find I need that amount of break to keep a more reasonable perspective.

At any rate, best of luck with whatever games take your fancy next!

Bro you’re literally playing an open world PvP space game. And you’re complaining about having to play the game to advance in the game.


Apparently he doesn’t want to play the game yet play the game LOL.

What in the crazy talk is this? :smiley:

First time playing an MMO huh? I recommend Stardew :smiley:

Ah. Whose gonna tell you about human nature LOL.

Yes. Please uninstall. Stardew is over that way :smiley:

Um. Brosef. You are literally supporting capatalism right meow. You support it everyday. You supported it when you subbed to EVE ROFL.

LOL you can’t eventually my guy.

No LOL. EVE’s whole shtick since the beginning has been real time skill training. Its what attracted me to EVE in the first place. And of course being able to murder people.

Its called an ISK sink LOL. Also how else would corps buy things?

Bro you’re just bad at the game. ISK is not hard to make. Learn the basics, farm 3s until you can hop in a raven for 4s. Farm 4s, sell LP, profit. Don’t run in SoE systems.

You’re welcome :smiley:

LOL this isn’t that type of skill structure. It wouldn’t make sense at all. EVE is nearly 20 years old. I suggest UO :smiley: Just chop some wood bro. Or New World if you want more modern.

You are playing the game to earn the skill LOL. You gotta earn the ISK to get the skill.

A million ISK is literally nothing.

Bro no one cares. Either play the game or don’t LOL. Obv sandbox is too much for you. Its ok bro :smiley:

It obv is for you or else this wouldn’t be a road block LOL.

Yea. Their point is they want to play EVE without playing EVE :smiley:

Can I haz the stuff bro?

Can I haz the stuff bro?

There is one. UO :smiley:

Nah its not Blue. Her typing is unique.

What qualifications do you have in order to make this a credible deduction?

It’s a bit off topic indeed, but as the thread has gone way off track anyway and the OP left…

You may be right about Discourse doing the localization on that link.

I don’t think localization is based on geolocation though, as as my current geolocation (Germany, on German wifi) does not correspond to the Dutch link I’m seeing, but my device and browser settings (Dutch, like myself) do.

I see, that’s an interesting detail indeed. Then maybe the Steam store bases its displayed version on the browser preferences?

Have you signed in to the Steam store prior and if yes did you set your currency / region Dutch (if such exists)?

Because Steam has regional pricing and you can set your region too or at least the display language but if you haven’t then maybe Steam uses the system settings if has access to I guess.

It exists, but haven’t done that on this device. So system settings makes more sense.

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I was disgusted but I’m not going to let them drive me out. Best thing to do with troll is ignore them and most forums have a block feature anyway so why not use it?

Oh hey, you’re still around!

To go back to topic: you haven’t reacted to my earlier post that compared EVE skill training to skill training in the matrix.

What do you think about that?

Or how would you like to see skill training instead? Like the fantasy MMO skill training similar to what Uriel mentioned?

What is your idea of how learning skills in EVE should work?

I guess it works well enough as it is. My suggestion was stupid anyway and it’s no wonder half the thread is people being confused about it. Because it was bad idea and poorly explained.

@ISD_Traindriver Please close this thread. It’s catastrophic.

Three characters. All born around the same time. All become forum besties. All still in starter corp. All private their forum stats. All showing more knowledge than they should as “new” players. All kissing up to the same characters and hating on the same characters. All playing the forum and not the game. All entitled whiners. Two of three quitting the game at the same time with the third to follow shortly.

Not the first time some guy has done this and probably not the last. You do you, bro. But as I said previously, don’t keep doing the exact same script. Not long ago there were three characters that did the exact same thing.

Coincidence? I think not.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


They speak Canadian in Canada, just like we speak Great British in Great Britain.

Nobody is forcing you to read the thread.

I created the thread. I can ask ISD to close it.

Well okay, I will let you, but only since you asked so nicely.

Another troll then. Ok.

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How rude


@ISD_Golem Please close this thread. Thank you.

@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode Please close this thread. Thank you.