I'm a Space Hobo

No, that’s a different person. Their style of writing was very… recognisable in a way.

No idea who this alt is, but there’s always a bunch of new alts active on the forums stirring up the same discussions, that I don’t know which person this one belongs to.


I’m only logging back in to answer you cause I respect you.
I was only here to have interesting discussions. Not be outraged by trolls who say killing children isn’t a bad thing and generally be insulted by arrogant A-holes.
I quickly deduced this forum is daily visited by people who have mental problems and I don’t want to be a part of it.
Then I figured I don’t want to be a part of this community. Its idiocies and heartlessness would reflect on me in a bad way. I’d be ashamed to say I play EVE. Whoever I’d tell that too can visit the forum and see how horribly toxic this community is. I want no oart of it.
Look at what just happened. These morons just got a new player disgusted just because she suggested the skills ought to be earned by pkaying the game. Not difficult to understand, really. But they had to flame her with strawmen because they’re too stupid to act decently.

I am biomassing in a few minutes. I will play Elite only because I can play it solo or invite a friend and not be forced to share servers with despicable people. I know why I like off-line single-player games now.

The toxic community and the incrdible greed and apathy of the game company.
I argued in a another thread that EVE isn’t Pay2Win but it is predatory as hell.

Anyway. I hope everything is good with you and thank you for being civilized.
EVE doesn’t deserve you.

What the hell is “Elite”?

oh cool is scamming, greifing, and wide open pvp in all areas like EVE?

I think this one is better suited for you:


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isch guet gsi?

Not really. My older alts benefit almost nothing from buying skillpoints, it only benefits low skillpoint characters so they can catch up without waiting years to train, I bought skillpoints to get ships my older alts already fly as can’t be bothered to wait all over again.

Could we stick to English? :stuck_out_tongue: Even after google translate am not entirely sure. Did you ask if it’s good? :thinking: If yes then dunno never played it.

Of course. I asked “was it good?”

Saw your prices are in CHF – as are mine – and took a stab in the dark with Schwiizertüütsch :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it provides a preview based on who views it in your local currency. It shows price in EUR for me. :wink:

Well I’ll be damned :joy:


I was going to respond to him in Canadian as the price was in CDN for me. Glad I didn’t make that mistake.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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But would you use French or English if you did? :thinking:

If you need to make any other mistakes just let me know first. :rofl:

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I think it picks browser settings? Or maybe device settings.

Text for me is in Dutch, even though I’m in Germany right now…

No idea how it works exactly but I think it is a discourse (forum software) feature so probably you can look up the related documentation for accurate details.

More likely it’s a feature of the Steam page it’s linked to.

Yes but the forum software has to process the page to produce the preview.

East coast dialect

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: