Space rich vs. space poor

I’ve just been arguing the point with Rupee Rue in Dodixie. For someone who’s just started EVE, even 10mil seems like a huge amount. But then you train, and rat, and mine, and run missions and suddenly you earning tens of millions, then hundreds of millions. Then eventually you’re regularly trading in terms of billions of isk. So I ask you: what exactly constitutes space poor? My alt scraped together 250mil through PI operations in the last week or so. If I can afford a few hundred million to drop on a fully-tricked out Proteus, am I still space poor? I’m not exactly rich, but in my mind most poors don’t fly T3s on the regular.


Should be more like space rich space poor and space middle.

I think being space poor is scrapping by for you can fly. Can’t afford what u can’t fly.

Space middle, an alpha like me. I can buy and sell everything I can use for no more that a 5 mill and maybe, a few fits for 50 mill. And have a few billion in assets.


Rupeee!!! She made about 8 bill off a lopsided pawn-shop style transaction although I wanted some liquid isk.

Pawn shop in the low end barely-hub anymore dodixie. Rupee buys low and sells high.

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As a veteran Player, you often lose touch about how much ISK can be worth for a new player. That Drake you just shot in that belt is not much worth for you, but could have been the proud Flagship of a newbean. So laughting about it is not really fair, even if it’s peanuts for you. You will be surprised how thankful many players are when you reinburse their ship you just ganked.

You are Space rich when you can do whatever you want in eve without beeing worried about the consequences. You are space poor when you have to use a significant ammount of gametime to replace the ship you just lost. Or something like that, there is a huge midfield.


If you are having fun but only have one isk you are richer than a player who is not having fun but has trillions of isk. yw


In before Carebears and Whales screaming at you, justifying how their greed and selfishness IS fun for them.


i dont think any capsuleers are space poor
i think average person earns 100 isk per year
and anyone who can afford their own spaceship is not poor
not like the planet dwellers


I can have fun for free.


If you can’t afford to lose the ship you’re flying, you’re space poor.


I wonder what slur the space rich call all the poor planet dwellers that can’t afford to leave their planets…imageoh yes a crater


That’s part of what makes eve different. Losses are meant to be felt. I mean isn’t that what make gains so great? So yes, I will continue to laugh at your triple tanked Drake with 2 different weapon systems. I know it may be a real blow to the wallet for some players, and that’s what makes it entertaining.

[quote=“Rovinia, post:4, topic:10391, full:true”]
That Drake you just shot in that belt is not much worth for you, but could have been the proud Flagship of a newbean. So laughting about it is not really fair…[/quote]

It’s not unfair either. If there is a Drake ratting in lowsec, where it can and probably will be shot by anyone who sees it, the pilot who flew it there had to manually navigate his or her way through a gate or wh to lowsec and when they did that, they would have received a message saying “this space is not safe, you enter at your own peril”, which they would have to manually acknowledge and dismiss before passing through the gate/hole anyway. They’ve been informed of the risks, and are aware of them. Unless they outright ignored the warning.

Don’t get me wrong, if a newbie I’ve blown up gets in touch to chat about what just happened, and shows a genuine willingness to learn, I won’t just give them a boatload of advice, but a boatload of isk as well.

But if a newbie sends salt, I will laugh. I will bathe in the tears they send me and they won’t get a cent. I will in fact go out of my way to encourage them to quit the game.

People need to learn that ‘fair’ is not a thing in EVE.

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You would deprive them of the experience of taking a meaningful loss, while they are still poor enough to appreciate it? How cruel!


Whats awkward is I’ve had friends get convo’d by the target and say something like, “You’re not going to reimburse me for the loss?”.

Sad when that’s the message and attitude they get from eve players, to expect friendly reimbursement for their noob losses.

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Yeah, if I’m feeling nice and the target was a good sport then I might give them a better fit for their ship or advice on how to do whatever they were trying to do better.

I never give them isk though. Occasionally they have asked me. I always cite the pirate’s code - “take what you can, give nothing back.”


I have about 100 bil and I still feel space poor.


me i am always space poor but i am space friend rich


I know remedy for this. Give all ISK to me.

I will give it back to you after some time, and you will feel rich again. :sunglasses:

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Oh children of New Eden. Let us not dwell upon the ISK. It is but a tool for the greater human cause. The real value is in what you do and how you interact with the people. The relics of humanities greatness are all around us and we squabble over a few ISK and imagined borders. When you take up the righteous path wealth will find its way to you in many forms and the masses shalt be a resource beyond value.


Space-poor: you can’t afford to buy a new ship + fittings if your current one gets destroyed.

Space-average: you can afford to buy 5-10 replacement ships + fittings, and know how you can gather enough ISK to repeat this after each weekend PVP extravaganza where you lose all your ships.

Space-rich: you have so much ISK that you start to throw away fly bling ships without an understanding of when exactly the bling is necessary.