Im afraid to solo gank

And yet you persist with the same behavior even after making this post.

Get a hold of yourself, man. You clearly need a break from EVE Online. I say this out of place of sincerity and concern. Stop shouting into the void.

As an old friend once told me, ‘It’s all just pixels.’ I think the best thing for you would be to uninstall and biomass.

Go outside. Get some exercise. Enjoy some fresh air. Focus on things that are important. Take care of yourself.


Also true.

Apparently not.

This is good advice. I know it’s good advice because it’s coming from me.

But let’s end on a positive note.

click click click

You finally earned your very own trading card! Please enjoy.

:musical_note: I’ll sink Manhattan
Right under the sea
I’ll find the sweetest spot to watch
As it goes away

You were so happy
With the things that you said
But you’re going to cry

A river of tiny tears flow from your crocodile eyes
Too late to apologize, I say, as flood waters rise :musical_note:

Get a real life you little broken toy… The crap you vomit on this forums is not a genuine social interaction and cannot replace the connections with a healthy social environment.

I remember my first solo gank attempt.

Killed by gate guns :blush:

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See? Just attacks and distractions. No real substance or bravery to these space bullies lol.

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Well we can be friends, just not lively kind.

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Me: Why are you afraid to risk losing?
Thems: You are salty!
Me: Why are you afriad to risk losing?
Thems: You sent mails!
Me: Why are you afraid to risk losing?
Thems: You’re crazy!
Me: Why are you afraid to risk losing?
Thems: You should uninstall!

…and links and lyrics too

This is pretty much the pattern. Right?

Thats the question that I have found them asking more than anyone during my investigations

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I do remember that time Don and Kalorned risked rattlesnakes in a structure bash … the fight that was lost to the Russians. @TheInternet_TweepsOnline_TheInternet doesn’t fly a rattle in those. He just flies the DST that has the cap boosters and a bumper during those battles. Know why? Same reason he refuses to link his api to zkill and selectively uploads.

Lol proceed by answering with more attacks, memes, lyrics and distractions. :slight_smile:

Even scams are pretty risk averse, Tweeps, like your favorite recruitment scam where you get someone on discord and trick them into thinking you’re a Goon director, ask them for their isk to get their rorquals started and get them to drain all their skillpoints since they’ll need to roll a new character to bypass security issues. Social proof, many alts, Krypteia Operations II corp, the ficticious injector program, emphasizing the difference between Delve prices and Jita.

Good scam really, although I’d be scared to do it since impersonating representative of other groups is technically against the rules.

Point is … even this is quite risk averse.


All that was pretty well said. Lol. Thanks for continuing to validate the fact that all you can do is respond with jokes and distractions.

You’re a meme now. It’s important not to take memes too seriously.

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I’m sure it is lol.

I’ll give you one more piece of free advice. Ending your posts with ‘lol’ doesn’t make you seem any less salty. :joy::joy:

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memes are fun


So in summary, I’m a salty meme and Aiko and Tweeps are risk averse carebears? Sounds accurate to me.

Basically what we’re establishing in this post is that I’m salty and neither Aiko or Tweeps have any real tangible stories of pvp bravery to post.

I’ve answered the salty claim. Why can’t you guys answer my challenge? Because memes shouldn’t be taken seriously and other excuses? Okayyyy. Lol

Tweeps and Aiko are bravely pvp’ing you here in the forums though :thinking:


Nah. This whole post is just me asking Aiko what the thing is that prevents him from pvping (the ship-to-ship kind) and him being completely unable to respond with anything other than jokes and distractions.

And then there is me with the salt and seems Tweeps is a bit risk averse too.

I admitted plenty here. Why won’t you admit your thing for real Aiko?

Yeah yeah … More insults and excuses is all you guys got.

Goofus whines in local
Goofus moans endlessly