I'm not overheating and I don't have any armor/hull dmg - why are my modules taking dmg?

How about the special kind that doesn’t cause heat damage when left unattended while active.

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It would be nice is overheated modules had a completely different color than the current green (normal) and brighter green (overheated). So that it stands out more.

Like even increases in size and flashes in tune to a beating heart of the ship.

How about a sentient mining crystal that automatically warps the ship to the nearest station and docks it up when a ganker lands on grid?

:thinking: :blush: :popcorn:

We are really excited to announce that the subject is regarding overheating and not some sort of Antigank propaganda thread.


I take that as yes.

:wink: :innocent: :blush:

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Frostpacker trying to teach a master ?

The best way to stop Frotpacker overheating is a bucket of cold water.

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Why are you grabbing my hair? With your uncalled for attitude here fang?

You could bel the reason for why I am declining future funding!

Had you thought about that?

I think he sees you as a surrogate me.


I would be careful if I were you. @Uriel_the_Flame has the memory of an elephant which he can use effectively as a weapon, , much to the Frostpacker’s dismay.


I grab or kick anything I want

He has forum cheats, even said so himself!

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“You can run , but you can’t hide (your posts)” - Private Investigator Uriel the Flame

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I prefer Private Investigator. :smirk:

He strongly prefers being called "Private Investigator" over "Private Eye", or "Private Detective". (https://magnum-mania.com/Characters/Main_Characters.html)


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As you wish


Dammit… Now I have that Magnum PI theme song stuck in my head… Nooooooo :face_with_spiral_eyes:


The only known way to get rid of it is gank a Frostpacker


Don’t forget to sell him back his own corpse for 1 bil ISK. :wink:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :popcorn:


Listen here Snoopy I might be slower than the average frostpacker but I don’t consider buying a copy of what I already own.

I’m sure there is one n the hanger of a corp member.

You either buy it or nasty things will be done to it. The choice is yours. :wink: