I'm not really impressed with what I heard today from CCP Helmar

The slides on fanfest on stage actually show “MULTI-ACCOUNTING”, that’s a solo pilot feature marketing. It has nothing to do with “friends” or “teams”.

It’s a way to sell you the same game, X number of times to the same customer. Milking.

Why sell a game once to a customer when you can sell them 2 copies or more. Why sell one sub, when you can sell them 2+.

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im all up for a EVE deck building game in the style of ascension
but ccp just don’t listem to me :frowning:

On things that the community has asked for like ship decals and the ability for player-run corporations to train their own newbros. They’ve also incorporated MS program into the game to facilitate comparisons and management through spreadsheets. There are more things but they’re not on your list.

Why? Because you’re not making your isk quota?

Graphs show that new players keep logging in and they’re improving the NPE with more content so new newbros can learn the game.
3d environment is important for immersion, animations too. Maybe you don’t care but I do.
The game is always declining in your opinion and I doubt anything will change that.

That is just one aspect of EVE. It’s advertised the way CCP think will attract PvPers. There are other advertising for EVE as Exploration and Mining and Industry… it’s not as one-sided as you say.

Maybe post something that approaches reality could be the solution.


Sure, and thats an issue because?

Its a feature of the game and has been promoted since the start, you must be new here :stuck_out_tongue:

Every MMO would do the same if they could find a way to make it work, the difference is other MMO’s are more action and movement based so they just aren’t able to sell you extra accounts, make no mistake if they could they would lol

Well, putting up the price helps get rid of them, so I am all for a higher price in that case.

No problem then :smirk: Turn the milking machine to 11.

I would prefer to be ganked by 2 unique players than one with 2+ accounts.

I would also like to see more itemisation of feature billing than one size for all.

Yeah i don’t think its going to change much, the price is fine from where i’m sitting, i don’t have to pay for expansions and i’ve got access to 18 years worth of content, seems like a 1st world problem

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Irony and hypocracy is CCP pontificates about friends and people bonding at Fanfest, yet depends upon multi-accounting which is solo marketing.


I improved it for you my man. I agree EVE has the right amount of PvE and this is not a theme park, but CCP should finish their stuff before starting new stuff.

Agile Thinking : Stop Starting, Start Finishing.


Everyone is missing the big point: EVE does NOT have to be on decline! :frowning_face:

There are many great and seemingly simple things CCP could add to the game to keep it going for a long time to come.

And if you’re taking RL money makers there are many things players would pay for (and have asked for and indicated willingness to pay for already).

Yes, #1, customers.

Pretty sure if CCP could manufacture paying customers out of the air they would. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not a helpful comment.

They did, “power of 2” (or 3).

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Oh we’ve seen decline before, but historical memory is not homo unsapien’s strong point.

The whole thing was embarassing for CCP.

It’s nice that they FINALY want to work on Faction warfare, but what they have shown us was in such an early concept stage that it will take them years to deliver something. It was probably writen on a beermat the week before fanfest when they panicked, realizing they have nothing to showcase.

And all this after CCP Dev’s bragging about the “Biggest Content Update so far” and the CEO himself firing up the hypetrain with twitter posts like this [https://twitter.com/HilmarVeigar/status/1521406178571476993]… Hinting a WiS relaunch or whatever…

CCP, what the hell have you worked on the last 2 years? This must be a late April Fools joke, right?

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Promote finding friends that want to fly dictors only and nothing else.

There are tailor suited jobs to alts in this game, where most online games want to stop players from multi boxing eve online not only encourages it but they have systems that are designed for it.

Get used to the ‘half assed’ pve.

CCP doesn’t have the resources nor eve the infrastructure to do ‘good pve’. Eve’s very combat system does not allow for things like evasive manoeuvres or aiming for weak spots. You can’t block shots or hide behind cover.

No to mention the players vehemently reject anything that isn’t brain dead farmable. Like the drifter doomsday nerf, local blackout or the outrage during the resist nerf.

If people are still holding out for complex and engaging pve in eve they are a special kind of naive.


Abyssals are popular and they arent as braindead as you say… I do agree eve’s combat system is anything but fun, but if CCP wasnt always listening to the few, very vocal, hardcore-pvp players who hate anything that isn’t blowing up other people’s stuff, the game would have a chance to be a lot more popular.

Sure the game needs risk, but the industry system can be great, such a shame it’s worthless since they broke it, to please whom? The largest nul sec blocs and high sec gankers scrubs. Funny how gankers cry too nowadays they have nothing to gank and ships are more expensive than ever, who would’ve thought…


THIS. This right here sums up what I’m seeing wrong with CCP’s development direction. They might be putting a lot of effort into developing parts of the game, but it’s not the parts of the game that are going to help keep revenue flowing, and keep player interest for the long haul.

Players need more things to do to keep them invested, not have those pre-existing things be shinier and have special VFX. As an industrial, I want them to bring back hisec mining anomalies that require you to scan them down, and make it so ice belts can spawn in any system instead of just a few. Make things require me to do actively participate in the game again and get rewarded for it.

There are guides on how to farm it at every tier. You might think they are difficult, I assure you they are not.

The only thing eve has ever done well is be a non-consensual PvP sandbox. You can pretty much pinpoint the exact moment CCP deviated from that design philosophy on the login graphs above.

CCP haven’t been listening to the PvP crowd. That’s why barge tanks are so huge now and wardecs are in the toilet. And that’s the problem. They did it before in the interest of ‘popularity’ and it had the opposite effect. Even now after the semi-reversal of surgical strike, it’s still done nothing to stop the hemorrhage.

Gankers asked for the industry changes. Yeah that sounds about right. :roll_eyes:


That was literally scarcity and the industry changes. That is exactly what they did.

And the players widely rejected it.

Do you see what I mean?


Look at the Orca nerf for crying out loud. Encouraging people to use barges rather than afk Orcas. And CCP had to buff the Orca to stop the REEEE!

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I get that part, I have lower expectations like a final step to reputation with empires.

Maybe some criminal restrictions, but I’m being too bold here!!!