Implant extractor?

And everybody got it wong cause its simply not true what he said

Yeah, everyone’s wrong but you… gotcha.

It’s gona turn into a gangbang soon

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Let’s ignore him. Somebody must have painted his spaceship brown.

Not really. up to +4 are rewards from storyline (L4s for +4, I guess L5 storyline reward are +5?). Then some set implants drop from rats. Ascendancy drop from ghost sites. Amarr epic gives a ‘noble’ implant.
For all those there is no isk sink.

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You get the +5 from LPs stores, as well as all lower one’s too. The 6% ones come from CONCORD and by running Incursions, which with 6% are also usually the most powerful implants.

you also get the +4 from lpstore. Still you get them from the storyline and it’s not worth purchasing them from lp store.

Which makes implants an ISKs sink and that’s not wrong to say.

which makes those implants NOT an isk sink.

They don’t require isk to get them from storyline. They don’t require isk to get them from drop.

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We got this the first time.

What some may not have picked up on was that Dark Engraver made a statement on ISKs sinks, saying, implants are a good ISKs sink.

Do you think implants are a bad ISKs sink?

  • Implants - use once, cannot be recovered

  • Rigs - use once, cannot be recovered

  • Mutaplasmids - use once, cannot be recovered

Do you see a pattern here? =)

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Yes and no. Mutaplasmids also destroy their host module.

inb4 mutaplasmids for implants ))

What I said is many implants are not an isk sink. So no you did not get it the first time.

The one improvement I’d like to see for Implant use is an ease on the jump clone mechanics.

Being able to install several clones into one clonebay would be a good start.

Changing the Infomorph Synchronizing Skill from -1h per Level to +1 jump per day would be a good next step. Although it would be bad, very bad, but also great, very great.

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I dont need that to have scrambled eggs. I use fork.

No. Go away.

There actually is such a thing already, it’s just not used very often because you need to wait sometimes. Also it’s old mechanics and not many people know about it.

You need to

  1. Undock in Pod
  2. Fly to Madirmilire (Domain Region)
  3. Go to Ashab Gate there and wait for an Agent to appear
  4. Profit
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No. You didn’t say it, but you’ve replied to an ongoing discussion about what Dark Engraver said and Vuhdo Rin misunderstood. It was Dark Engraver who said implants are a good ISKs sink.

Do you think implants are a bad ISKs sink?

Implants are not an isk sink. That’s the only answer you’ll have.

Many of them contribute to the disappearing of ISKs in the game. I’m afraid, girl, it is what makes them an ISKs sink.

I’m going to get me some popcorn. You might want to get yourself a bigger shovel, because you’re going to be digging an even deeper hole. :smile: