In ONE sentence, what change would u like to see in eveonline?

Passive aggressive much? I was making a joke, and then clarifying when and how missions can be used for faction standing changes. I never claimed it was the only way, or the best way, it was simply the topic of the joke.

I think he was talking to me… I found his post helpful. With my -8 security status I cannot fly around highsec and do all the missions, but I had completely forgotten that datacenters existed.

I think we have all heard of the Faction Standing Repair Plan; I just never thought it would apply to me :slight_smile:

Passive Aggressive? Almost as much as you. Especially since I never quoted you or directed anything towards you.

Guess I should remember to include “It’s just a joke” cause that will make everything A-OK.

-8 security status?

There’s Tags to raise that as well… :wink:

“You guys” encompasses the members of the conversation: myself, Xeux, and tutucox. You accused us of ignorance or animosity. The only portion you directed explicitly at Xeux was the helpful part of your post.

No need. With negative security status comes clarity and decisive purpose.

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‘You Guys’ is a generalization and wasn’t directed specifically to you nor did I accuse anybody of ignorance.

Now please take your passive aggressive attacks somewhere else.


Don’t insult people if you don’t want them to call you out on it.

Wow, you’re all about trying to initiate crap here. Either you’ve never heard about it or you refuse to acknowledge it.

Now stop trying to portray it like I was intentionally trying to insult you.

And by the way, if you’re insulted by that then Eve probably isn’t the game for you…

Were you NOT trying to insult people when you opened your post that way? If so, you might want to rethink your approach, because it clearly comes across as being ticked off that the folks having a conversation about faction standing repair didn’t immediately bring up your plan as the solution, and passive aggressively calling people out as uninformed or having a beef with you for talking about USIA but not your work.

You’re the one who was passive aggressive about it and now you’re being overly aggressive.

Personally I dgaf if you were insulted by it, you really need to grow a thicker skin if you get insulted by generalized statements.

By definition, I was not passive aggressive: I confronted your actions openly. You’re the one who keeps trying to deflect after being called out for making unfounded accusations. :woman_shrugging: You could have just said ‘yeah, that’s not what I meant’ or ‘guess that joke didn’t come across’ or whatever, if your intent wasn’t as it sounded, but you just keep trying to deflect back at me.

hands on hips

DeMichael Jordan Crimson, you of all people should know better than to be crying about the need for a thicker skin! You need to calm down right now! Don’t you make CCP appoint me as an ISD so that I can come in here and clean up the mess you are making in this thread!!!

The only person here who keep’s deflecting and making a big ass deal about it is you. Not only that, you keep twisting it around in some failed attempt to justify your constant trolling.

Now get this through your thick head, it wasn’t directed to you and if you got insulted about it, too fracking bad.

You have a pathological need to have the last word.

Prove me wrong. Don’t post again in response to DMC.

waggles finger

You miners, I’m putting both of you in a time out!

@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode @ISD_Buldath

Look, I did it, I shamed the miners into silence! Are you guys gonna make me an ISD?

:partyparrot: :partying_face: :congapartyparrot:

That’s not how that works. If you want to apply, apply here.

I hear that not even @Mike_Azariah could get through the application process. I’m confident there is no hope for the rest of us.

People who want to be in the ISD are probably the people that shouldn’t be in the ISD.