In ONE sentence, what change would u like to see in eveonline?

What they call 2x training speed now is what used to be just training speed.

So, no. They definitely don’t speed up training . They halve it.

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When they got rid of learning skills?

Bring back learning skills! :wink:


Only to those who don’t know how to take advantage of them. My wife started playing this year due to proper use of remaps, she’s already about 2 months ahead of where she should be.

Just because most players don’t know how to use the system doesn’t mean it should be gotten rid of. If you don’t want to use them, just standardize your stats… don’t take away an edge for players who are smart enough to use it.

Just because you can “get ahead” doesn’t mean that it is fun or meaningful.

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So… getting ahead isn’t meaningful? Pretty sure that getting ahead of the curve in a game is meaningful.

As for being fun, after your free remaps are used, its something you only need to address once a year. Compare that to putting fuel into a structure.

Again, just because you don’t understand how to optimize using remaps doesn’t make them that needs phased out. Or is operating Evemon and being smart about remapping too much for you to handle?

You would have loved the learning skills, chump.

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Woot!!! Calling me a chump.

No, learning skills were pointless and unnecessary. While technically training them did give you an edge, it meant you were effectively flying ■■■■ for months waiting to get to 5s. And everyone grinded them to 5 early on (except charisma) because of how needed they are.

There’s a big difference between something you needed to grind to 5 to just have an average character AND remapping where you can optimize and change it yearly.

If you get rid of remapping, everyone is the same. It doesn’t reward people who actually plan ahead and look long term… and Eve is about long term.

Learning skills: grind to 5 and forget about them.
Remapping: plan your skills for a year, map. During that year, consider what you want for the next year. Then figure out your map, and remap at the proper time. Rinse, repeat.

One is dynamic, the other is not. One rewards players who plan ahead, the other really hindered player progression… which is insanely stupid for new player retention.

I tried Eve during the era of learning skills… and left as soon as I found out my first few months of subscription were going towards nothing.


Planning skills for a year? What’s next, planning out my character’s child’s college fund? How the hell do you think that creating a set path for yourself for such a long period of time is acceptable gameplay?


More proof that you are nothing like you pretend you are.


With the coming Quantum Cores being added, could we increase the number of moon mounting beacons per moon please to be able to anchor onto more mining points per moon.

I’ll be honest, I don’t even know who I am anymore. I’ve been having an existential crisis for the past 20 years.

How can that be? EVE has only been out for 17 yr’s? :crazy_face:

Jita Local to be completely empty for 24 hours. :joy:

Remove triglavian incursions from hi-sec.


Its pretty damn easy. I know what I like to do and I plan accordingly. I got most of my int/mem skills where I wanted them and have mapped to perception and willpower to improve command, missile, and gunnery skills. Next year, I’m going to map into charisma to get all the fleet support skills to 5 for command ships; the time left in the year long remap will go towards social and trade skills. During that year, I’ll determine where I want to go with the remap after that… probably int/memory again… but I don’t think that far in advance.

Sure, I can’t bounce around to whatever skills I want, I actually have to plan… but here is the thing. With no remap, all attributes without implants except Charisma are at 20 (charisma is at 19). That means you get 30 skill points per minute; I’m getting either 37 or 34 (for t2 specific command skills) per minute. Just going with 34, I’m getting 4 skill points per minute more… over a year, that’s over 2 million more skill points.

Now go look at what the 1.5 million skill point training packs costs you and get back to me.

Right, and what if a few days after remapping, you decide that you want those command skills ASAP because of some urgent, unforeseen need? “Sorry guys, I won’t be able to take part in our command ship fleet ops, because I locked myself into training gunnery for the next 11 months.” Locking yourself in for a year like that is frustrating, and FOMO is a really bad feeling to put players through.

Lol. Command fleet op? That’s hilarious.

Also, to fly command ships, you’ll want the command ship skill to 5 (will/perception) and then all the fleet command skills (charisma) to 5. Properly fitting and flying a command ship isn’t just about one skill…

I will have to learn some skills at sub optimal due to remap because I need some fleet support skills to get to Command Destroyer and Command Ship… but then the remap will let me optimize the fleet support skills to get the max buffs from those command burst modules.

Again, over 2 million points a year. Edit: that’s an additional 48 2/3 days of training a year.

What you are whining about is the definition of FOMO.

What Phelan is talking about is what 90% of everyone that has ever played this game for more than a few weeks has indulged in. Making a plan. Usually a long one. Since - up until recently - the only way to efficiently train for many of the ships more complicated than a gank fit destroyer took a year or more.


Maybe if you’re one of those “everything level 5 before I try undocking” people, sure. When I make a new character, I remap to a perception/intelligence split, and train for whatever I feel like and go enjoy myself, instead of setting a queue full of support skills, and playing DotA for a year until that’s done and I can finally work on Frigate level 4.

But hey, to each his own.