Yes, but you claim my training program would hinder people trying out new things in the game; but, it doesn’t. You also said earlier:
My training program gets people able to do anything they want to do faster to earn ISK. And you have yet to prove me wrong on that
But I want to talk about buying skill injectors since you brought it up. So let’s talk about them. According to eveprasial, large skill injectors are going for about 745 million ISK. Let’s go with the best turn out of 500k skill points. Using my training program over a year, you gain a minimum of 2 million skill points… or 4 injectors. That’s over 3 billion ISK saved by simply thinking ahead (and without losing access to any content outside PI) each year… until you hit 5 million skill points (which you will in the first year).
And after that, the savings is worth a bare minimum of 5 skill injectors, which brings our savings up to almost 4 billion ISK.
And that’s assuming inversed learning skill. So, its probably 50% higher than that… bringing our savings to around 4.5 billion to 6 billion ISK every year.
And let’s go ahead and convert that to PLEX prices for the sake of completeness. PLEX is selling for about 2.9 million right now. So, bare minimum of about 1034 PLEX. Going to the EVE store, 1100 PLEX is $40.
Until you can show me how my training plan stops players from trying new activities, your only argument has no merit… as to your other arguments:
I’ll answer this argument with your own words:
So… what youre saying here is we should educate them… and explain how Evemon works. Thank you for countering your own argument.
This has nothing to do with remapping and is a red herring argument and I’ll explain why its a bad idea using your own words:
T2 ships are expensive to new players and most of the prerequisite skills are good skills for them to have. Well, the Graviton Physics for Indictors is dumb, I’ll give you that one.