In ONE sentence, what change would u like to see in eveonline?

Change from CCP: An end to skill trading which I think is some cheap ass lame ■■■■, but from which I have also profited greatly… today alone.

Change from the Players: Less ■■■■■■■ whining already, my God you people don’t stand a chance at happiness in life if you can’t handle changes in a game!

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My change would be being able to fit ships from a few jumps away, the same as you can build things from a few jumps away. Just add it as a new skill…

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More colour for warp n engines , Blood machines online

The implementation of a system of entropy for manufactured items which would be inclusive of ships losing 10 percent of their defense capability per year, with the eventuality that a ship below 10% would be deemed “not spaceworthy” and thus unable to un-dock (reprocess or refurbish only, with refurbishing requiring a given amount of minerals/materials).

The in-game browser.



Carebear content.

(Or, in a longer sentence: Having returned to EVE after a six year hiatus, I find many changes that positively affect nullsec alliances and PvP players – but to my disappointment, the PvE missions are still exactly the same as seven years ago, highsec minerals have been nerfed, and CCP just stole a week of PLEX from my account with that horrible Halloween event that makes all the gankers swarm highsec.)


love it

Remove or limit Alpha accounts more.


Logarithmic limit to incoming logi reps (making anything more than 4 logis ships worthless on the same target); logarithmic limit to incoming damage, making anything more than 16 damage ships worthless on the same target).

For CCP Hellmar and CCP rattati to get fired and replaced by some players that know how to run the ship.


Remove the citadels, remove moon mining, make lowsec worth fighting for again.

duno what they did but
low sec is already full of not low sec peps
mad world

All you need is to look at the CSM and Devs (All pulled from the player base) over the last decade to know that would be a total failure.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


But would it be a worse total failure than the one already in place?

That is far to subjective to answer. What would define it as a “failure”? How CCP does financially? How PvE players feel about the game? How PvP players feel? Whether or not there is a “blue donut”?

If we go with the first definition, the financial aspect, they could turn Eve into a very successful game, but the method they choose to use would potentially ostracize entire portions of the player base. Yet if the numbers showed them that the game would grow and be profitable even if those players quit, they could do exactly that and not be considered a failure (to the investors at the very least).

A lot of what has happened over the past 5 years hints that they may be leaning towards making such changes, and the long time veterans are that segment of the player base they may not be concerned with losing.

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Are you advocating spending time, money and staff hours replacing something bad with something bad? Or are you just being contrary and not doing a very good job at justifying it?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


prototype ships that may or may not stay in the game.


Only being allowed a certain amount of replies per thd per day.


Remove drugs
Remove overheating modules

Remove local entirely from the game, while making everything nullsec and buffing all enemey NPCs who will now be so aggressive that all players are forced to ban together just to survive.