so I’d like to chime in here, i like this idea but i also see where Lugh is coming from.
I think we all understand the benefits of being able to talk to people who are docked in stations, without it being broadcast across the whole solar system.
my understanding of what is being suggested is sort of like a solar system wide, “i’m docked” chat room
where you talk to pilots who are docked in the same station but within the whole solar system (please correct me if i’ve got this wrong)
however Lugh is talking about utilising the existing text chat channels for this and why would we use something like this when local already exisits or utilising some kind of text channel already.
as salt foambreaker has said there would likely be months worth of chat server errors to get this change.
so how about something in the middle. instead of using local or the exisiting text channels.
because of this post I was curious to look at the UI (so despite it being 1am) i logged into the game.
my thinking would be to simply have a button on the neocomm which would join an existing channel for station chat.
as some of you might of gathered i’m also a fan of the idea of warclones returning to new eden, so honestly a varient form of this could implemented for “ship chat” this would mean the button would have duel purpose
this would mean you would have an ability to actively talk to people just docked in stations while you are also docked, or friendly mercs hanging out inside your ship. I guess they would have a short list of responses and requests which they could select from. similar to how you can broad cast for reps in game but i’m thinking more like a list of options similar to world of warships.
i’m honestly not sure on its execution, as i said perhaps some neocom button or perhaps a button over in the station services would be better than juggling around the existing text chat channels.
maybe there is a way to meet in the middle and be half way happy for everyone with something like that?
I do think there is some form of very serious potential here, it would just have to be implemented the right way. its new way would have to likely contain some kind of unique feature to make it applicable.