If you want to AFK mine then get a porpoise or an ORca…either way i hope you get ganked fro being AFK.
If you are proposing such a change (buff) to ventures so you can drop to alpha account…
then no my judgement still stands…
Get REKT or get GUD scrub
Honestly I know you won’t believe me but if that’s how you feel about something I am just putting up and feel the need to get all expressive I stand by my statement, trust me you don’t sound hard you sound like you need time.
The venture has other useful niches, like gas mining in wormholes and is a pretty handy little frigate. Has the warp strength bonus to help avoid a scram. Excellent all rounder and still one of my favourite ships for the price. (free in some cases.) a bigger hold would be bigger than a hulk, a t2 exhumer.
Although being an alpha is enough to learn and try most aspects of the game, you still need to pay or plex to get access to all the toys. Free to play, play to learn. Then play for free (if you are that good or lucky.) however, only mining will not plex an account. Even with fleet Boosts and multiple accounts it is a lot of work.
Paying attention to local can help avoid a gank. A venture hold is small enough that a loss is only the work of an hour… A low skill alpha might not want to keep playing if they lost 2 hours of mining to code. Whereas they could use their venture with t1 bits to hop into a wormhole, die/get lost replace, try again, get better luck. Survive, learn to love more aspects of the game. As ccp intends.
Were talking about ventures in terms of alphas, are we not?
In which case, I’d say that afk mining as an alpha pilot is bad. It creates a problem where the player isn’t engaged in the game.
CCP demonstrated how ganking and joining corps increase retention rates for new pilots. The reason for this is obvious. When you actually get someone engaged and active, they are more likely to stay in the game, than if they don’t.
I don’t agree that a game that’s so boring that you need to watch Netflix in order to be entertainer, is a right way to play. And newbies and CCP agree with me. You’re already invested in this game, so it’s easy for you to rationalize how you’re having fun with eve even though you’re not actually playing or playing attention to it. And that’s fine, that’s what retrievers are for.
But why should we make it easier for new players to leave the game? Why should we encourage a play style that would lead to stagnation and boredom, so much that you need to watch and do something else?