Injector VS cerebral accelerator ISK per SP math?

Does this look right for comparing large injector ISK per SP to that of cerebral accelerators?

Cost per SP = ISK cost / SP gain

Accelerator SP Gain = (primary + secondary/2) * (1 + Biology/5) * minutes = 1.5 * stat increase * 2 * duration in seconds / 60

— SP Gain @ Biology V —
Expert Cerebral Accelerator: 432,000 SP = 1.5 * 8 * 2 * 1,080,000 / 60 SP
Master-At-Arms Cerebral Accelerator: = 43,2000 SP = 1.5 * 10 * 2 * 86,400 / 60 SP
Large Skill Injector (50M<SP<80M): 300,000 SP
Large Skill Injector (80M<SP): = 150,000 SP

— Cost per SP @ Today —
Large Skill Injector (50M<SP<80M): 2333 ISK / SP = 700,000,000 ISK / 300,000 SP
Expert Cerebral Accelerator: 2,613 ISK / SP = 1,129,000,000 ISK / 432,000 SP
Master-At-Arms Cerebral Accelerator: = 2983 ISK / SP = 128,900,000 ISK / 43,200 SP
Large Skill Injector (80M<SP): = 4667 ISK / SP = 700,000,000 ISK / 150,000 SP

In summary, injectors are cheapest up to 80M SP, after which point accelerators become cheaper. No surprise. Before working through the math, I had heard this.

Also, it looks like constantly running Master-At-Arms Cerebral Accelerators will give about 657,000 SP per month at a cost of about two billion ISK.

657,000 SP = 43,200 SP * (365 / 2) / 12
1,960,354,167 ISK = 128,900,000 ISK * (365 / 2) / 12


You should include the option of just plexing the account and waiting.

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This assumes people are already plexing the account and either waiting or playing.

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Yes, obviously you are assuming that.

Since you are interested, SP per plexed month is a relatively simple calculation.

PLEXed Account SP Gain = (primary + secondary/2) * minutes per month = (primary + secondary/2) * 60 * 24 * 30

— Omega SP Gain —
17/17 Worst Mapping, No Implants = 1,101,600 SP = (17 + 17 / 2) * 60 * 24 * 30 SP
20/20 Default Mapping, No Implants = 1,296,000 SP = (20 + 20 / 2) * 60 * 24 * 30 SP
27/21 Perfect Mapping, No Implants = 1,620,000 SP = (27 + 21 / 2) * 60 * 24 *30 SP
27/21 Perfect Mapping, +5 Implants = 1,944,000 SP = (32 + 26 / 2) * 60 * 24 *30 SP

— PLEX Cost —
500 PLEX = 1,350,000,000 ISK = 500 * 2,700,000 ISK
PLEX ISK / minute = 31,250 ISK / minute = 1,350,000,000 ISK / (60 * 24 *30) minute
PLEX ISK / second = 521 ISK / second = 1,350,000,000 ISK / (60 * 60 * 24 *30) second

— Cost per SP @ Today —
17/17 Worst Mapping, No Implants = 1225 ISK / SP = 1,350,000,000 ISK / 1,101,600 SP
20/20 Default Mapping, No Implants = 1042 ISK / SP = 1,350,000,000 ISK / 1,296,000 SP
27/21 Perfect Mapping, No Implants = 833 ISK / SP = 1,350,000,000 ISK / 1,620,000 SP
27/21 Perfect Mapping, +5 Implants = 694 ISK / SP = 1,350,000,000 ISK / 1,944,000 SP

Clearly just plexing and waiting is way cheaper than breaking out injectors or accelerators. Even the absolute worst mapping is cheaper than using items to speed up skill training.

Today, the Master-At-Arms Cerebral Accelerator ISK / SP is roughly 4.3 times as expensive as the base omega gain from a perfect remap with +5 implants.

Also, it looks like generating 500,000 SP for extraction with a plexed character costs about 347,000,000 ISK given the perfect remap with +5s. Skill extractors are about 306,000,000 ISK, so Large Skill Injectors are turning a profit of about 47,000,000 ISK per unit.

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A quick note on jumping out of a training clone to fly. A set of +5 implants gives an extra 7.5 SP per minute. Assuming these SP are billed at 694 ISK, flying a clean clone has an opportunity cost of 1,043 ISK a minute or 312,300 ISK an hour. If the 7.5 SP are billed at the worst 4,667 ISK / SP large injector rate, then your activity needs to pull 2,100,150 ISK an hour to be worth the opportunity cost.

If whatever you are doing is not sufficiently profitable, it is better to stay docked up in the training clone. Obviously, this depends on how you play. The above analysis assumes that the goal is to convert ISK to SP.

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Interesting analysis, thank you.

Yeah, your math all looks good.

Also, I made a series all about skill training. In it, I talk about injectors, accelerators, implants, remaps, and SP farms. You might be interested.

Thank you much. Your video series was very informative!

I watched your videos they were very informative and quite humorous at times. You mention incursions several times. Are you part of one of the groups? I always wanted to try them.

Yeah, check out Warp To Me. They’re a laid back, newbro friendly community. You’ll need to be a able to fly a starter fit, and the prices of T1 battleships have gone up quite a bit during resource scarcity, but you’ll make about 125 mil/hour. So, you’ll make it back with about 3 hours of flying.

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