Interceptors and Upwell Structures: Reintroduce opportunities for pilot error

This, at least, I can see as valid criticism. Not everyone is going to like a given style of game design and there’s not much that can be done about this.

Personally I disagree that he’s “failed upwards” or that everything that’s come out in the last several years has been bad, and if the PCU is any indication the last year may have stopped years of slow slide in the player count.

So, I somewhat disagree with your conclusion here, but I can at least explain the issue, because the difficulty at least is real here.

It helps if you imagine game balance in terms of dimensions. Everything in the game is one dimension. Every ship, every type of module, everything each of those ships interacts with, ect. Then you basically have to fill in all the intersections of all of those dimensions, and there are as many “boxes” to fill in as there are variations in each dimension.

That’s functionally impossible to actually do, so the designers have to identify the points of intersection where they think there might be issues. Some areas are easy to discount, like you probably don’t need to check the cargo hauling balance on a Dreadnought or Lasers on a Blaster boat… (lets just ignore the old Laser Rokh :laughing: )

The problem is that there are certain things CCP can’t measure, one of those being what players are going to do with these ships. For example with the Rorquals I think CCP knew full well what they were creating and how much it would mine. What they didn’t expect was for hundreds of people to suddenly jump into Rorquals and start strip-mining the entire cluster.

Other times it’s a slower shift and the underlying conditions change over time. For example Titans in the early days were “mostly fine” and then suddenly the game went from 4 in the entire game to 4 in one Corp and then 40 and… yeah.

This gets into two things.

One, survivor bias. The existing names aren’t confusing to you and I because we’re used to it, mostly, but to a new player they’re a lot and there wasn’t much of a rhyme or reason to them.

And as to the permutations thing, those are what are called false choices. Most of those module variations weren’t useful for anything barring maybe some very very very niche setups, generally around cost savings. For the vast majority of players the old module distinctions were just confusing and would trap people, when in reality there were 2-3 variants worth using below Faction tier.

Fixing stuff like this makes the game more accessible to new players and is good for the long term health of the game, even if to you and me it doesn’t seem like it matters or even confuses us because it changes what we’re used to.

I always take this complaint as basically “I personally don’t like what was done”, because taking it literally is a little ridiculous. Though if someone is being literal I’ll push back.

The problem, I think, is people tend to settle into one corner of the game and don’t look much beyond it. It’s fine, Eve’s a big game and that’s natural, but the devs can’t do that. Rise and Fozzie both came from different areas of the game and have their own experiences, but now they have to take in feedback and look at the game as a whole.

There are nerfs and buffs that have been squarely aimed at once area, and you’ll almost always see people from other areas going “Why is this happening, this thing is fine as-is?” because to them it is fine, it’s not causing problems there.

This, I think, is the primary source of disconnect between what the Devs do, and what players see. They see things through the lens of their corner of the game, and the devs can’t afford to do that, or to cater to one corner of things.

I mean, like, jokes aside kinda yeah.

This goes back to what I said earlier about player behavior and that changing over time or in response to changes. If you can demonstrate that something is a practical problem then CCP will react.

That’s not an exploit, it’s just a clever use of mechanics. And a really low ping, probably.

There’s a couple of posts over in this thread that get into how you can tackle a sub-2s warping ship. Looking at that KB my guess is that he’s got the lowest ping to the servers in his crew and they’re Re-Seboing his ship to give him the lowest possible lock time.