Introduce a level 1 CONCORD mission agent for standings repair


Suggestion: Introduce level 1 CONCORD mission agent/s

Keywords: pve, high-sec, standings,
Note: Useful in repairing CONCORD standings so the player can move in high-security space

In short. The suggestion is introducing a level 1 CONCORD courier mission agent in Yulai VIII - Moon 10 - CONCORD Logistic Support ( or Yulai IX (Kjarval) - CONCORD Bureau if you want to show off the unique station model).

Current problem this solves: Currently there is no way to repair standings with CONCORD which is damaged by running SCC Secure Key Storage sites in low-security space. CONCORD Owns the Sanctum constellation in high-security space so if run enough, then the player becomes permanently hostile (if standings go below -5) with CONCORD. Meaning they will forever be hunted by CONCORD police patrols while traveling trough said constellation.

Elaboration: The site requires players to shoot at CONCORD NPC’s. This means running the site has a standings loss with CONCORD. A way around the problem can be also achieved by making so there is no standing loss when it comes to shooting the NPC’s in said site. Do note. Players who run missions to pirate NPC’s may also be required to shoot at CONCORD NPC’s in the mission sites, thereby permanently damaging their reputation with CONCORD, so a mission agent, even if a level 1 would be an excellent way to introduce way to repair CONCORD standings.

A level 1 mission agent would guarantee that players would not do it for LP or ISK. It can be something simple as a courier agent. Alternatively CONCORD standings could be repaired via ISK payment in a similar manner as when Clone Soldier Tags are given for security status repair. This would add a very minor ISK sink into the game.


While I wholeheartedly agree with the thread topic, I don’t think having the Concord Agent available in Yulai VIII - Moon 10 - CONCORD Logistic Support or Yulai IX (Kjarval) - CONCORD Bureau is a good idea, especially for Capsuleers with -5.00 or lower standing… They’ll have a hard time just getting to the station let alone completing the mission…

For Capsuleers with -5.00 or lower Concord standing, those Concord Agents should be located at various Concord Stations within other Regions not controlled by Concord… When the Capsuleer get’s Concord standing above -5.00, they could then be referred to another Concord Agent located in Yulai to finish getting their standing back up to neutral.

I think those Agents should be called Diplomatic Relation Agents who only offer missions to Capsuleers with negative Concord standing. When that standing becomes neutral or positive, the Concord Diplomat’s will no longer offer any missions.

Also the Capsuleers should have to ‘Lobby’ those Concord Diplomats with ISK to get those Courier missions. The amount of the ‘Bribe’ should be based on the Capsuleers negative standing, meaning Capsuleers with -10.0 standing will pay more ISK compared to those with -1.0 standing… As their standing is raised, the amount of ‘Bribe’ payoff is lowered.

As for the standing reward, it could be a simple +1.0 point per mission completion so it’s not a big time sink. Basically a Capsuleer with -10.0 standing would have to ‘Lobby’ the Concord Diplomat and ‘Bribe’ those Agents with ISK for 10 missions in order to get their standing raised to neutral.

If the Capsuleer fails to complete the Concord Courier mission, the standing hit would be twice the amount of the standing gain reward… Meaning they would receive a -2.0 point hit to their standing…

Anyway, CCP definitely should implement some way for Capsuleers to repair negative Concord standings…


hmm, why could not the Concord insignia tags not be used like security tags for this? Use the same stations and agents s you do for the security stat rep.


Good ideas!

The location could be any really. Probably the most ideal location would be in lowsec for a player who’s faction standings may be at a questionable point. Granted since its a level 1 courier mission think a frigate can do them, so they would not be caught at gates/stations in high-security space.

Do note though. I did not mean security status. If I recall faction police does not hunt you until you hit -5 standings, similarly to security status so going down to -2 should not have an impact faction standings wise. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong though.

Personally I’d love a simple ISK bribery mechanic for repairing faction standings, as it would be a decent way to introduce an ISK sink. Could even require tags of some sort (certain pirates for example) or CONCORD insignia tags as @Max_Deveron mentioned. Simply trying to think of a least-development time intensive method for CCP to achieve this as possible.

Another solution would be to add CONCORD as one entity which is applicable for the Sisters of EVE epic arc standings reward.


Yeah, you’re right… NPC’s will attack at -5.0 Faction Standing.

Not sure what I was thinking… Probably too much Holiday Cheer…

I’ll edit the -2.0 to -5.0 standing in my post…


The confusion was probably caused by the fact you get locked to Level 1 agents at -2 standing. ^^
And with security status, ~-2 is when the police start shooting at you in certain high security systems.
Entirely understandable mistake I’ve made myself lol

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So its been mentioned, and i guess dmc has forgotten, i dont recall which corp but recently within the last few patches, you can fix CONCORD via derived standings

Well, I haven’t seen or heard anything about CCP implementing a way to repair Concord Faction standings…

Course I don’t read all the Dev Blogs but wouldn’t that be big news? I would think there’d at least be a thread about it here in the forums…

Now maybe I’m wrong and CCP just barely mentioned it / snuck it in while most players attention is focused on the Winter Event…

It was a while back it was apart of some derived standings. Ill see if i can find it
I replied to you sometime last month about CONCORD being repairable. And this is a new addition to the eve uni wiki

CONCORD Assembly, Society of Conscious Thought, and Jove Empire are also factions with no agents but they have positive standings to a few other factions, making it possible to increase standings through derived standings.

CONCORD owns the constellation of Sanctum in the region of Genesis. If you go below -5.00 standing with CONCORD Assembly you will be attacked by CONCORD navy in that area (the same mechanics as the normal Empire navy ships, not instakilling CONCORD police). CONCORD Assembly will lower their standing towards you through derived standings if you gain positive standing with any pirate faction.

Thanks for the reply, I don’t want to get into a big debate about this and to be honest, I don’t actually remember you replying to me about being able to repair negative Concord faction standing…

Truth be told, Eve UniWiki actually copied my ‘Faction Standing Repair Plan’ aka ‘The Plan’, changed the wording a bit and called it ‘The Ploy’… Funny thing is they didn’t even mention it’s based on the work I did back in Jan 2010…

They also reference a super old New Eden Library standings graph which is incorrect and outdated compared to the old updated version of EveWiki standings graph which is referenced in ‘The Plan’…

Long ago CCP changed the standing of Thukker Tribe and Minmatar Republic to be positive with each other. The EveWiki graph correctly displays that standing change whereas the New Eden Library graph is incorrect. (Note: Derived Inter-Faction Standing Graph is read from the top down)

According to both of those graphs, and to the best of my knowledge, Concord Assembly faction standing currently receives no positive derived standing gains from any other Faction in New Eden.

Now about the Eve University Wiki, I’ve seen various instances of incorrect statements and information posted within it, for example that standings graph table I pointed out… And yes I’ve seen that paragraph you posted, just because they say it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s actually feasible to do so…

Anyway, I don’t want to derail this thread topic anymore. I’m sorry bro but I need to see some sort of Official statement or in-game proof confirming that there is indeed a way to increase Concord faction standing.

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You know what they say: plagiarism is the purest form of flattery. :supervillain:t4:

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I know back in november we had someone from usia, and i recall before november the wiki said concord couldnt be repaired, we had people showing derived standings with CONCORD raising their standings

So looking back at my discord shows i was talking about Markee Dragon finding out about the changes back in february

Is this not correct then?

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That is correct. It was changed during havoc. Just the dev blogs dont say it specifically

That just shows the Inter-Faction standing towards each other, not Derived Standing gains…

Look at the EveWiki Inter-Faction Standing graph, it basically shows the same standing numbers.

Granted there’s been more Factions implemented into the game now compared to when that graph was created but it’s still the same game mechanic…

The Derived Inter-Faction Standing Modifier graph shows the cut-off number of when you’ll no longer receive any standing gain… Concord shows no Derived Standing gain from any of the other Factions…

But that’s the thing, that is my trading alt. Granted, it’s a year old character, but

I have 0.14 somehow base standings (no skill modifiers) and I somehow got derived standings loss, together with SoCT / EverMore / Mordus / Khanid / Amarr / Jove Empire and Syndicate

I am trying to figure out what I did, but on that day I finished Caldari Epic arc and started Gallente one. Seems like I also failed mission for Caldari Business Tribunal, so it must be derived from that. Now how I got to 0.14 in the first place, I don’t know since it doesn’t go that far back.

Just logged my other alt…

On the same day, 2024.10.12 I did storyline for Poksu Mineral Group.

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Well that definitely looks like Derived Standing gains to Concord… Seems you and @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras are correct…

Guess CCP must have snuck that change in with no fanfare… Hopefully it’s not a bug and was an intended change…

Anyway, I checked my standings and it shows two standing changes with Concord… I crosschecked those changes with Minmatar and the dates coincide with the two Minmatar Storyline missions I had completed…

Im assuming this was the change

Patch Notes For 2023-11-15.1

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Various other law enforcement and pirate organizations have adjusted their standings.

That’s definitely a vague way of saying they changed the Standings game mechanic to now give Derived Standing gains to Concord…

Anyway, so now Concord Faction receives both positive and negative Derived Standings just like all the other Factions… That means the only way to increase Concord Assembly standings is to do Storyline missions with Factions positive to Concord…

Basically Capsuleers with negative Concord standings will have to do a lot of Storyline missions for Factions positive to Concord Faction in order to eventually get positive standings with Concord…

Definitely a lot of work involved to achieve that…

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I looked all up and down since havoc was released and i seen nothing else except that.

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