Introducing Eve Profits

Hello Station Traders of New Eden

I’ve been working on a side project for the last few weeks and I think it’s ready to share. Hope you find it valuable, and I’d love your feedback.

Check out

It’s a slightly new take on station trading tools that I cooked up. Since I’ve been using it privately, in the last 30 days I’ve netted just over 4b (shout out to Eve Tycoon for the amazing tracking)

The idea is to remove some of the hunting and pecking for good items to station trade out of the process. I have an IRL background in retail and retail math, so I’m trying to bring that experience to the tool.

There’s 4 basic queries (for now)

  • Max Margin
  • Items in Low Supply
  • High Demand, Low Supply
  • Price Movement Analysis

Max Margin

The idea here is the quickly identify the items with the max margin opportunity in each trade hub. It returns ranked results, prioritizing “Estimated Daily Profit”, which is essentially the entire margin to be made if you sold all the inventory in the trade hub that day. It’s unrealistic, but I think a good way to rank the results. All the queries have an item search as well (with autocomplete), so you can check your favorite item individually.


Items in Low Supply

This one compares the Sell Orders to the Avg Daily Volume, and gives a Days of Supply output. These are items that will theoretically go up in price, since the demand is outpacing the supply. It’s also a great opportunity for industrialists & miners to see what’s in demand on market and fill that demand.

High Demand, Low Supply

Here we are comparing the Total Buy Order Units to the Total Sell Order Units. In the example below, Rich Plagioclase has 125* the # of buy units vs sell units. This is another way to look at short supply items, but by comparing them to the buy orders in addition to the avg daily volume.

Price Movement

Takes the Avg Regional Daily Volume and correlates it to the Avg Price for the last 30 days compared to the Avg Price for the last 7 days. In the example below, for PLEX the volume has decreased by 20%, and the price has increased by 0.49%. Show the resilliancy of PLEX, despite being in lower demand, the price has remained steady (plus exterior factors like CCP deals, etc…)

Random FAQ’s:

  • Features I’m planning on adding soon:

  • Something to do with Market Groups, not sure yet

  • Trends over time with cool visualization perhaps

  • Something to do with regional arbitrage. There’s already some tools out there for this, but I’d like to make one a bit simpler

  • The idea is to make everything directly actionable, so as I think of new stuff to add that does that I’ll add it in

  • I can’t post more than one screenshot since I’m a new user to the forum unfortunately, so check out the site for more detailed info

  • I’m super new to coding, so I’ve tried to optimize it the best I can, I think it runs pretty well but if anyone has any trouble email me at bobby at eveprofits dot com

  • I’m still adding some features, and it’s such a fun project to work on, I’ll be tweaking it for awhile

  • Market_Trends are updated daily just after down-time, and Market_Orders and the resulting calculations are done hourly, on the hour. All the ESI pulls and custom queries take about 14 min to run, so everything is always updated about quarter after the hour, but that should be more than enough of a refresh cadence for the purposes of this tool

  • I’m not trying to recreate the tools that are already out there, so I’m not trying to mimic anything that’s already been done (that I know of). I hope these are net new to the community, and I hope you find them useful

If you’ve read this far, thank you! It’s been a fun project to put together, I hope others enjoy it and find some use out of it.


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