Introducing the HyperNet Relay

Hi Brisc, I want to point a few things that may have pointed to you before but:

  1. Lotteries are gambling and this raffle is a lottery so this is still illegal in many countries and requires government sanction.
  2. The entire scheme, after CCP Games killed 3rd party gambling sites, is basically to get a cut of the profits before the entire lootbox malarkey business gets permanently banned globally.
  3. White knighting CCP Games is quite foolish considering the state of the game, in particular in recent years, shame on you.
  4. Your posts and actions makes me sad you were ever unbanned. Not Pando or Shines mind you, they are actually good people that add value to the game, but your entire existence in the game proves that banning you would only be a net improvement to the community.

Gaming addiction is very real. I remember having to stage an intervention for a friend of mine when, in a depressed spiral after losing his job in 1998 or so, he basically sunk deep into EverQuest to the point of shutting out everything else for a few weeks solid. Including things like eating and bathing… and getting dressed, much to the disturbance of his apartment-mate.

That said, video game addiction usually doesn’t involve continually escalating cash investment. Every weapon hit and loot drop doesn’t provide a reason to spend more money over and above the subscription fee. Trying to make the two things into one thing is a false equivalence, and should be avoided.


Agreed. This is an expansion of the cash shop (what many will call a ‘cash grab’) that won’t have a major impact on the game - good or bad. There are only so many items rare enough to be viable to sell this way, and people already have contracts and auctions for those items.

Personally I can’t see this option generating enough revenue to be worth the stink it will raise. Although the possibility exists that they are using it as a way to ease into lootboxes, which I suppose would make more money but will cause a real stink.

Yeah sole examples proof something…

Its not like the latest Guardian Gala was a test for something, right?

The results are magically staying in the NPC station the item was sold in. Just like any other trade.

The only thing magical about the HyperNet Relay is that people can remotely buy that item in that station from anywhere in EVE. This makes it much easier for the selling party to get rid of their item, because the amount of buyers is all of the EVE players instead of just the few EVE players who happen to be in your region.

Haulers will still be needed to fly the loot to your location. In fact, they’ll probably have to fly more now that people can remotely buy items at the other side of the universe through the HyperNet Relay.

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I am generally against the gambling mechanics. This will garner the wrong kind of attention. If this is ment to appeal to the Chinese market or some BS, leave it over there.

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You are free to leave -all of you- nobody forces you to stay…

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Ban everything excluding pr0n if you can as politician.

I don’t like gambling either and probably won’t make use of the gambling aspect of the HyperNet Relay.

However, I do like that players know upfront what item they’re paying for and what their odds are. And that players can buy 100% of the HyperNodes to get a 100% chance of obtaining the item. That’s not gambling anymore and would be an easy way to reliably buy rare items across the entire EVE universe.

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And guess what people are about to start doing.

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You know what’s really nice?

You can go to your profile… then preferences -> notifications -> users…

and just drop people into the ignore list for months at a time. Such an easy and elegant way to avoid the trolls. Thank for that, at least, CCP Discourse.


No wonder you didn’t come out with this earlier, it’s utterly shameful.

Enjoy your EU regulations, coming very, very soonÂŽ


I really hope I can put a antimatter charge s on the hypernet. I have one that’s sitting in my hangar. It’s a few years old but it probably works?

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F… EVE will be banned in France


Well they are the sort of people that will attempt to regulate farting for example, they will make you fill in loads of forms to check that you fart no more than x times a day and so on and you will self regulate this and no one will check the real number of farts at all. Job done boyz, giving the impression of caring about something.

Yeah right, some European countries have Casino’s, France does for a start, there is a bloody great big one just down the road from me which employs a metric tonne of people, the restaurant is actually quite good :stuck_out_tongue: . Anyway…

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After the huge ■■■■ show that was sparked by loot boxes and other gambling practices in games and discussed to no end in the media, no dev working on this wondered if this is a good feature that will add to the health of the game?

Also: EU regulations are likely incoming. Germany for example has recently started the process for regulation.

Seriously I dont want that in the game. No game with potential minors should have gambling features in it. It only opens them up for developing a gambling addiction or issues in that context in the future. I think its a shameful move. Please remove that idea again.


regulations are not about banning gambling as a while. Its about limiting who can gamble when and where.
E.g. underaged people are banned for good reason from gambling. A gameification of gambling is circumventing these regulations and is being used by the gambling industry (not accusing CCP of that but it is a thing with other gambling games e.g. on the android/ios app store) to impression younger people and groom them towards gambling habits.

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You crossed a line here CCP, more so than any time before in your history of crossing lines. This is NOT good.

Is this perhaps why Falcon left?