Introducing the HyperNet Relay

In terms of various countries gambling laws:
I believe the way that CCP will be able to get around this is- all in game items are owned by CCP. The gambling law only applies to assets you own. Think of it this way, EVERY country has laws against theft. Yet, when someone steals my ore can while mining, I can’t press charges IRL against that person. Now, it’s possible certain countries could have more specific laws, and if so- CCP would have to figure it out.

I think some questions I have are:

  1. can sales of the “raffle tickets” be restricted? For example: if a Corp wanted to run a free raffle for it’s Corp mates. Or can everyone in New Eden buy those free raffle tickets? if restricted- This could be a clever way for people to run giveaways.
  2. I understand the raffle tickets will be sold in New Eden store as well as open market, but will the open market option include NPC sell orders? Or will it only be from players who purchased it with cash?
  1. These aren’t lotteries as most lotteries are defined because the prize is not an item of value that can be negotiated outside of the game universe. You can’t extract the value of isk and convert it into real life currency. That’s why the vast majority of places this kind of in-game mechanic is legal and not regulated.

  2. That’s perfectly reasonable for CCP to do. And the chances of this getting banned globally is relatively low.

  3. I’m not white knighting anybody. I’m saying this isn’t as big a deal as some people are making it out to be, and I am still skeptical of how used this will be. We’ll see if it ends up being something people like and use, but I don’t expect I will be taking part in it unless it becomes popular.

  4. /eyeroll

CCP was perfectly fine with gambling for a long, long time.

Can we make subscriptions free now?? There are now so many ways to spend RL money!


This absolutely won’t protect CCP. The whole “all in-game items are owned by the game company” thing is true of every game, and yet loot boxes are still being banned.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

I believe in letting people make their own choices, for the most part.

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I think you will find that I was making a comment about the complete inability of anyone in the EU to do anything sensible in terms of regulations.

This game is 18+ isn’t it in terms of who it is aimed at? CCP will just have to make this unavailable for players under 18, done and dusted…

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Are they going to apply this to Character Sales as well?

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It isn’t like CCP thinks I suppose. CCP effectively now falls under any laws regulating online casino providers. Can you ensure nobody gets access under age of 18? Good luck.

Also now it’s clear what all the dev time was wasted on instead of investing into the game itself, and why CCP/CSM didn’t want to talk about earlier.

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EVE is rated ‘T’. Aimed at age 13+.

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Just fyi i logged first time in like 1-2 years to forum just to upvote your comment.


I hope gambling will be forbidden in games by laws soon.


Clown Rubal doing damage control, who knew.


I stand corrected, but they may need to age limit this then.

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I can’t give this comment enough “likes”. Well said.


Ok so novelty items only and all proceeds goto charity?

That would have made an amazing Christmas raffle using the hypernet.

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Eve Online is rated T for teen, ages 13 and older, and its only descriptor is violence.


Buy PLEX if you don’t have enough ISK for gamble or need more NODES!

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I have been corrected on that by another player, however that means they might end up getting it adjusted upwards for exposure to gambling.


These are lotteries. You pay real money to set them up and exchange it for in-game items. There is the injection of real cash into the game, thus creating real cash value. The fact you can’t extract the value outside of the game is meaningless.

It is not reasonable to promote gambling in game, by the game creators which gives them incentives to further monetize the community. The fact is also that many countries are moving to ban lootboxes and their likes. For a politician you seem very uninformed.

You are white knighting. You are literally defending a corporation who really cares little for you and even banned you once on the grounds of hearsay. I have no words to express my disbelief. Considering the major issues the game has and its management decides to allocate resources to what amounts to a doomed venture is troubling, to say the least. The fact you don’t seem to realize that is again, proof of my previous point.

You can eye roll, but the truth won’t change ^^