I agree. But you can’t build great things with just cash, that takes skill and hard work. An extra blingy ship that costs money and can be killed by skill is no different than losing a cargohold of valuable gear recently purchased with sold plex.
And this system is not handing over your credit card for premium ammo either. The items raffled off are from players and not created out of thin air with cash.
I agree with Algathas. This simply allows you to pay PLEX for the chance to sell big ticket items at a markup, and possibly lose your investment if your markup is too high and the raffle does not complete.
Yet. The precedent is set, and our resident troll’s latest alt is advocating for more F2P cash shop purchases to “reward spending money”.
But, if this feature is good for EVE, why should it require a F2P cash shop purchase? Why shouldn’t it work like any other market transaction?
(The answer of course is that CCP is hoping to exploit gambling addicts and whales, not to improve the market for normal players.)
You are free to spend isk on the cores as well. Simply buy a core off the market with isk, or if none are on the market yet then you can always buy plex with isk and exchange for cores. So you don’t need to be a “whale” or have any cash at all to use it.
I know of several people that started as alpha and then putting zero IRL cash into the game were able to get enough isk to omega in their first month and sustain that from then on out. If it’s that easy to play omega for free then it should be even easier to also set up your own hyper raffles with no IRL money as well, especially since the income from the raffle should sustain re-buying the cores that made the raffle.
Seems to me you just suck at making money. Stop whining and learn to play.
Totally agree. I know I probably won’t be using it, but it’s too early to tell. Whatever may come of it, I still appreciate the game and all of Eve’s glory <3
game = the devs and players, along with the media that brings both together \m/
Only because the whales and/or gambling addicts already bought stuff from the F2P cash shop. Transferring the cash shop items for ISK doesn’t change the fact that CCP is selling in-game advantages for cash, and that their greed made this a F2P cash shop exclusive instead of a normal market improvement.
The reason why it is good as a Plex store feature is because the developers make money. In a game with free expansions, it is good to have a good cash flow into the developers pockets. The more money they have, it is reasonable to assume, the more content they can add to EVE Online.
This aswell, only those who want fast isk need to pay. It is completely possible to be a raffle tycoon without ever paying a single unit of real life currency, simply buy the data cores with isk
Same here, together we make EVE Online the great game that it is
It is if you already know it may well be inaccurate - what are you, a politician ?!
Since it does not appear that it will receive it owns thread, I will post this question here. With the wallet re-vamp I would be keen to hear about the possibility of being able to just write-off small amounts of Loyal Points. If I can - from anywhere in New Eden - trash assets, then it is a reasonable extension to be trash LP.
hey Sparky, it’s a raffle, whether or not real money is offered as a prize is IMMATERIAL. Summary offences DO NOT CARE for intent, only facts. Underage gambling is illegal, full stop. Raffle is gambling in English Law. Full stop.
I think what’s bugging me the most right now is lack of response from CCP here. Regardless of approval/disapproval, it’s pretty clear that there is serious community concern over the implementation of the relay. We know the devs occasionally comment, so the lack of any response despite the 2000+ posts in this topic in only about a week is surprising.
If anything, this has been the MOST comment-worthy development since I’ve been playing, and the lack of response says something to me about the way this company values its customers.
They’re not going to do this. They are well aware of where the line is drawn when it comes to acceptable monetization for this community.
Because sitting in a belt with ten rorquals is skill and hard work.
no face no case no real money win opportunity no gambling…case closed…
Clearly your CCP apologism knows no bounds. Here we have a thread full of criticism of the F2P cash shop and where is CCP’s acknowledgement of that criticism? The line is being drawn right here and all we’re hearing is the silence of the F2P cash shop proceeding on schedule.
Securing your space to the point that you can mine with mass Rorquals is, and the fact that a mining ship is overpowered does not mean that pay-to-win F2P garbage is somehow acceptable. But I love how you imply that the F2P cash shop is no worse than what we already have, preparing the argument for your apologism if/when CCP does implement premium ammo/loot boxes/etc.
You have a thread full of YOU and a your sock puppets criticizing things, sure. Given the amount of revenue that CCP enjoys from non-subscription sources, I think it’s pretty clear that the vast majority of the player base is just fine with the existing system.
This isn’t apologia - it’s acknowledging the status quo. It’s like you want the company and the game to fail.
What I’m saying is that you’re over-emphasizing skill and hard work in regards to creating wealth in EVE and acting like someone who spends 10 hours a day super ratting is somehow superior to someone who works IRL for 10 hours and earns the money to buy plex and fund his in-game characters that way. In the end, whatever way you use to make money in EVE is just fine. As long as you didn’t cheat, and as long as it lets you play the game you want to play it, there’s no need for anybody to criticize how you earned it.
Again, CCP knows where the lines are, and they’re not going to implement gold ammo and the like because the player case has categorically said they don’t want it. When it comes to gambling, as recently as three years ago, the player base was handing isk hand over fist to the third party gambling sites - to claim suddenly that nobody wants it ignores history.
As for CCP coming here and responding, you and the others have already made this thread so toxic that it’s unlikely any dev is going to touch it with a ton foot pole.
That’s a nice tinfoil hat you have there.
Given the amount of revenue that CCP enjoys from non-subscription sources, I think it’s pretty clear that the vast majority of the player base is just fine with the existing system.
Cosmetic items and account services =/= pay-to-win mechanics where an in-game activity requires a F2P cash shop purchase.
It’s like you want the company and the game to fail.
No, I want EVE to succeed and part of that success is not being a F2P cash shop game. Adding F2P cash shop gambling is bad, and it sets a bad precedent that encourages more F2P cash shop mechanics. I am very concerned that if CCP continues down this path it will result in the death of the game once PA have milked the cash cow as much as they can.
What I’m saying is that you’re over-emphasizing skill and hard work in regards to creating wealth in EVE and acting like someone who spends 10 hours a day super ratting is somehow superior to someone who works IRL for 10 hours and earns the money to buy plex and fund his in-game characters that way.
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Progress in the game should come in the form of in-game effort, not by handing CCP your credit card and buying success. I have no idea why you think buying success with real-world cash is a good thing?
(And yes, I acknowledge that the PLEX market is a necessary evil to mitigate the third-party RMT abuses that would happen in its absence. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.)
Again, CCP knows where the lines are, and they’re not going to implement gold ammo and the like because the player case has categorically said they don’t want it.
The player base has said that we don’t want F2P cash shop purchases that give in-game advantages and yet here we are, with CCP implementing a market feature that requires spending real world money in the F2P cash shop. What makes you think they won’t ignore player wishes again and implement premium ammo?
When it comes to gambling, as recently as three years ago, the player base was handing isk hand over fist to the third party gambling sites - to claim suddenly that nobody wants it ignores history.
Some players wanted in-game gambling back. Nobody wanted it in the form of F2P cash shop trash. Please refrain from revisionist history.
As for CCP coming here and responding, you and the others have already made this thread so toxic that it’s unlikely any dev is going to touch it with a ton foot pole.
Ah yes, because anything other than sucking CCP’s dick and reflexively approving of everything they do is “toxic”…