Introducing the HyperNet Relay

Mate in Star wars battlefront 2 Loot Boxes were considered as -" gambling" and a lot of countries wanted to BAN the game. Before EA just removed this feature completely. And HEY … loot from these boxes was also not able to be changed for money. So your argument is invalid. It IS gambling.

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Can’t wait for the free market release in 4 days, while people are crying and leaving the game with minimal impact, I’m going to be buying a ticket in a bunch of different sales and see if I get something.

Who cares, gambling is fun. If you don’t like it go back to the moralism of 1890.

And every day more players from other games that have actual mechanics I would classify as gambling join EVE, so this will only get more popular with time.

Given that the new player retention rate is incredibly low, I don’t think this will matter.
On top of that, no one really cares about a new player’s opinion since they usually have no idea what they’re talking about. So… :woman_shrugging:

Your Account, and all attributes of your Account, including all corporations, actions, groups, titles and characters, and all objects, currency and items acquired, developed or delivered by or to characters as a result of play through your Accounts, are the sole and exclusive property of CCP -EULA

so if you gamble with no external payout is it gambling? If you gamble with and for things that you do not own is it gambling? ((even if you paid to do so)

But aside from the fake internet lawyering . . .

  1. Do you assume that CCP did not consult their own REAL lawyers before planning to enter these dangerous waters?

  2. Will you play it?

if not then what does it matter to you, anyways?

Please do not give me any ‘for the children’ arguments as they do not hold well in this digital age unless you ban kids from owning internet capable devices.

I waded through this thread in the space of a few days and it all started to blur together but in the end? Tempest in a teapot.

Play, don’t play. Bet or no.


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Yea, same here.
they are posting on the downtime thread which is not a controversial issue, but nothing here…

Gotta look at who is doing the posting and why. Explorer is over there explaining stuff to folks.

Folks aren’t over here with questions about how the system will work, they’re just bitching about it. There’s no point in them wading into that. They’re going to implement this, so trying to justify themselves to people who will probably not use the system gets them nothing. They have better things to do.

Hell, all of us have better things to do.


Nah, I am retired

well the wife would point to house chores and yard work but I would not call those ‘better’ things to do



darkness of the depths hides many evils

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They’re also not over here actually addressing the legitimate problems with this implementation that have been raised.

As of right now, they’ve altered the # of hypercores needed to make it roughly floor([value]/960k) min 1. There’s been no sign of any changes to how many cores you get per PLEX, but also no sign that it’s still going to be 10:1. If they haven’t made cores cheaper, then this is going to be insane. The Raven State Issue (There’s only 1) would come in at ~370,000 PLEX. That’s £12k using the PLEX pack pricing.

Just to set up the raffle.

Granted, that’s a damned extreme case, but that’s exactly the kind of ‘high value’ item they’re talking about, isn’t it?

And it’s still buggy as hell. The rounding issues (because 512 nodes! Yay base 8!) persist, and the complete failure of accurate error messages and documentation continues as well.

Still returns:

When the actual error is that 1x512 != 1000. The message should be something on the order of:

They’ve had all of the QA issues explained to them. They’ve had solutions offered. They’ve clearly gone in and made changes (to make it about 6.7x more expensive in terms of hypernodes). But they haven’t fixed a goddamned thing.

Really, @CCP_Explorer has nothing to explain as far as the downtime. The downtime is an non issue. Out here however, there is lots of explaining to be done (and dont even get me restarted on the lack of real explanation regarding the BO stupidity from this summer…)

@CCP_Explorer and @CCP_Convict (mentioning those 2, but really, it is the whole team of CCP officials) need to start leveling with the community and responding to all the issues that everyone has brought on. And they need to do this yesterday…Cause thanks to their BO stupidity, they have not much room for error and not much of any good will left (no matter how much ass kissing people do at live events)

Bottom line is that instead of responding to non-controversial issues, those guys need to get their big pants on and face the music…

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CCP, I have an idea here. How about putting some limits on this such as:

  • Omega accounts get x number of cores/nodes each month with their subscription
  • Alpha accounts can purchase same number x cores/nodes per month, cost being equivalent to a subscription

End result might be more people converting to omega and not flooding the game with pay-to-win mechanics, which is what’s going to happen with the current proposed system.

Don’t let Alpha acct’s buy them at all.

If people pay ccp money for skins those skins obviously have real life value.
It is hilarious for people to claim they have no value merely because ccp might make a rule that after THEY sell them for money that other people can’t despite other people continuing to sell them to others for real life money.
There are laws saying you can’t sell drugs however whenever police make a large bust they proclaim the street value of those drugs. By this game logic all those drugs don’t have any value because a law says you can’t sell them.

^ Go save a whale. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, why acknowledge criticism when you can just declare that you’re going to do what you want no matter what anyone thinks?

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It’s not even criticism, it’s baseless crying and whining. They’ve seen it, and there’s nothing more than needs to be addressed.

What do you want them to say, “Oh wow, we were gonna go through with this, but some forum warrior who is pretending to be a lawyer and doesn’t know anything about the law made us realize that this might be illegal!”

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“We have seen the feedback regarding gambling addiction and will be keeping an eye on how people are using this feature in case we need to implement limits in the future”.

“You’re right, F2P cash shop trash doesn’t belong in EVE. We are removing the F2P cash shop element and having this system only use ISK.”

I don’t expect them to address any of the legal concerns because it’s such a gray area right now and “make as much money as we can before any of this can go to court” is completely in line with the short-sighted business model of the F2P cash shop. And TBH the legal argument is the weaker objection anyway. I don’t really care if it’s legal or not, that’s something for the lawyers and courts to decide and it doesn’t matter to me if the game I’m playing violates some other country’s laws. But I do care about the fact that CCP is deliberately encouraging and exploiting gambling addiction with F2P cash shop trash that has no place in EVE.


See, this is what I’m talking about. You have no idea what you’re talking about. This isn’t a cash shop, but you think it is. Why should CCP care to pay attention to people when they don’t even know what they’re talking about, let alone the actual new feature?