Introducing the HyperNet Relay

So would this make it really easy to transport large ships like Battleships and above? For example, buy or build a ship in Jita, equip fittings and rigs, put it on the hypernet and sell it to your alt. Then have the item delivered anywhere that alt is docked up? It would make life easier and less of a pain in the ads hauling ships all over the place.

You mad bruh?

Why you so mad bruh?

Bruh - why you mad?

Don’t be mad bruh :frowning:

It doesn’t move. It gets delivered to the winner’s hangar where it was offered.

No, I’m being specific and drawing direct attention to the context in order to combat the monumental stupidity of your statement.

The item doesn’t move. You can enter the cash shop lottery from anywhere in EVE but you still have to go pick up your loot box at the sale location if you win it.

True, but I feel like there is an upper limit to the amount people can gamble, because when you’re paying enough money you outright buy the rewards in this system.

Let’s say an item of 1B ISK is in the raffle. Some people can join the gamble and pay 10M ISK for a 1% chance at the item. If someone with gambling problems wants to spend 100 times as much as the first guy, they’re paying 1B ISK.
There he hits his limit, because unlike other gambling systems he’s not getting a 1-(99/100)^100 = 63% chance at obtaining the item. Now he’s got a 100% chance at getting the item when he bought all tickets.

This puts a maximum at the amount a person can gamble to obtain a certain item. Unless they spread their chances across multiple HyperNet Relay sales…

(I could be wrong though, never had any gambling addiction).

Ah… Yep you are correct. That would have been cool.

You so angry. Your anger makes me sad. :frowning:

See? Sad face bc you so full of rage.

More bold-caps pls. Bc you so mad.


Binky, I deal with Goons all day, every day. It’d take a lot more stupidity than you’ve got access to to actually make me mad. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Let’s say you have an AT ship in a faraway station that you would like to turn into ISK. Players nearby are not interested in the AT ship and the amount of people who have enough money to buy your ship is limited.

Here comes the HyperNet Relay. For the small price (no idea about the price :stuck_out_tongue:) of a few HyperCores you can now sell your AT ship across the entire universe to a lot of people who are only willing or able to pay a small part of the total price you want, increasing the amount of potential buyers a hundred or thousandfold.

It’s a nice way to liquidate rare expensive items.

USA is a significant source of income for CCP. If you pulled the plug on all of it today the company wouldn’t survive period. They would need to spin up localization for many other countries to replace that. Unfortunately due to revenue loss they wouldn’t have the time. This is based on the last demographic information released by CCP. This I simply said if laws were passed due to the gambling aspect this game would die along with it unless they recind it all.

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You’re wrong. Gambling addiction isn’t about receiving the prize, otherwise nobody would bother playing in a casino when they can just “buy” the cash prize up front. Gambling addiction is about beating the odds and the thrill of being a winner. The addict isn’t going to buy 100% of the tickets to get a specific item, they’re going to buy 10% of the tickets on 10 different items and then when they lose they’re going to buy 20% of the tickets on 5 different items because their “strategy” was wrong and if they just gamble some more eventually luck is going to turn in their favor and they’re going to win.


Only if you have enough in wallet to start with to list the item. Looks like the seller needs to buy the total value of the raffle in tickets (nodes) to list.

There’s no way this will address ISK or asset inequality in that scenario. Only the very wealthy will be able to afford to pay the entire amount upfront of the very item they are hoping to sell.

Ed. that was inaccurate, sort of

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Does Sommer get reinstated?

How does the “host” get paid?

Issue is this will just cause all rare items to go up in value since they can be sold through this manner. So all the rich just got a lot richer with this announcement. Was sad my AT ships got stagnant after AT was canceled. Now they will all be sold for double current values at a minimum. There will be a AT ship gold rush due to this. Same will happen with T2 BPOs. This was seen on Somer Blink in the same way. SO the whole wealth inequality CCP preached at EvE Vegas just got shot in the head, beaten, burned, and left to rot in the sun.

As alcoholics, people with gambling addictions are not acting rationally. Don’t think any theoretical ISK max is of any relevance. They gamble, cause they cannot control their urge to gamble. It is the act itself.

Anyways like I said before, I’m more just sitting here with the feeling of “Y tho?”. This change, at best, is controversial. Why prioritize this, over many other ways to expand the cash shop that are less controversial?

The seller needs to pay a PLEX value based on the total value of the item, not ‘equaling’ the total value of the item. Wanna sell a hull worth 100b? You might need to give CCP 1b worth of PLEX to do it. It’s how CCP takes their cut of your action.

I agree that there are other things they can also do - I’d add “ship models” and a bunch if other licensed products to the list of stuff they can do, too.

I remember when these kinds of raffles were popular and they did a ton of business. I get the feeling that all of this was much easier to code and less time consuming than the stuff we also want like alliance skins.

I don’t think this will impact the meta much, however. It’s not like Goons or other groups are suddenly going to loosen their restrictions on selling Titans to neuts because this went through, and you’ve still got to find a way to move the stuff you bought.

In the end, I’m not going to quibble because this is what they did rather than something I would have wanted more.

The “host” gets paid buy re-selling portions of the Hyperthingy they bought (for RL money) and breaking it down into Hyperwhatnots to sell on to mugs.
Sorry, players.
These mugs then buy these “tickets” from the conman/conwoman. Sorry, “host” - for less than the item is worth but many times therefore allowing the scammer to sell their crap for many times its actual value.

Sorry again, I meant “host”/“CCP-enabling scumbag” not scammer.

Damn, I keep doing it. I meant to say “RL money-spending participant” not “CCP-enabling scumbag”.


That ship sailed a long, long time ago.