Introducing the HyperNet Relay


they probs devised jaffa cakes in like, JAFFA the levant but ■■■■ that

I know its funny to watch. Most of these are quoting EU laws, which means that CCP should just move to the USA and leave that continent.

also fml and fu ccp i meant to reply to General but you blocked it on this alt

not sure which one of us that was working out for, but ok

I skimmed through this.

I hope this will comply with gambling awareness initiatives and display relevant notices each time a purchase is made. I would like that the amount sold to each person (yes, person not subscription) be capped at a certain level each week.

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Basically the only argument that bittervets have is: Think of the children :frowning: However if we are serious about the children, then we shouldn’t allow them to play eve, since they are going to be educated on the adult ways of things very quickly.

Secondly your quoting French law. In the USA we have no such laws limiting game developers on creating great games, just because your country puts laws up on everything does not mean that the free world cannot enjoy good quality games in order to appease your government.

Finally, you can’t cash out a titan. It’s a piece of pixel.

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Jesus wept, please tell me Sabus is trolling

Online gambling is illegal, winning pixels is not gambling. Everyone who overreacts to this is angry that ccp is improving the game, or else you will wait until the feature releases and then comment on the effects.

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I’m not trolling, yes some of my posts could use some more effort but why should I spend effort making a good post if the reply is: You want children to gamble you moster whaaa

I think you just became a CYNOU member, no referral
Want a list of the other ‘people’ like you

No, a great game does not need quotas. There should be no limit.

What’s CYNOU?

Sure, you can whatever you want in your own country if your country allows it.

Doesn’t mean another country won’t forbid it in his own territory by blocking it.

And read again my previous comment. Being able to cash out is only a possible definition of a money gambling prize. If you can exchange the item for a service directly available for purchase ( skins, plex, etc ) it’s another valid definition here.

CYNOU is Doom, aka a racist mixed race boy who tries soo hard, then has to try again
wb shitbird

Oh sweet! The child is back again!

Hmm, in that case I refuse this reward.

You still triggered about ccp improving the game?

I’ll begin with ‘Yikes’, and ‘I’m not a lawyer, I’m a concerned player’, and ‘I apologise in advance for the wall of text’.

I have a few points I want to bring up so this will take a while.

Firstly, there’s the ongoing investigations and legal discussions around the world about gambling in video games.
I’ll back this up with the following portion of the announcement:

The process begins by buying HyperCores from the New Eden Store or from the regional market, and the amount required is based on the total value of what the player wants to offer on the HyperNet Relay.
Any item being sold will be represented as a HyperNet Offer. These offers contain a series of HyperNodes that can be purchased individually or in bulk. The player will then set the number of corresponding HyperNodes that will be made available to interested parties and a price per HyperNode.
Once all the HyperNodes have been sold for any given offer, everyone will see which single HyperNode is selected at random and who subsequently receives the item. Even the purchase of HyperNodes will be visible to those viewing the HyperNet Relay, creating a social experience that occurs in real time.

Items purchased through the New Eden Store necessitate an exchange of real money either by direct purchase or through PLEX–which is bought with real money.
The system enables viewing an active gamble by any interested parties, and can be entered presumably at any time.

Per the Gambling Comission of the UK’s paper ; “Virtual currencies, eSports and social casino gaming – position paper” published in March 2017 which can be found on the Gambling Comission of the UK Government’s website : Gambling Commission website

Section 1.4 point 3 notes;

1.4 Where in-game items or currencies which can be won, traded or sold can be converted into cash or exchanged for items of value, under gambling legislation they are considered money or money’s worth.

And I would paste the relevant sections of Section 3 but I will refrain since I would be pasting most of the section. Highlights will be taken instead from the summary, and from point 3.1 and 3.8:

3 Gambling with in-game items and virtual currencies
• Where in-game items can be traded or exchanged for money or money’s worth
outside a video game, they acquire a monetary value and are themselves
considered money or money’s worth.
• Where facilities for gambling with tradable in-game items are offered to British
consumers a licence is required.

3.1 Many video games incorporate in-game items to improve the enjoyment and longevity of a
game and to provide an alternative means of monetising a game title beyond the traditional
up-front purchase price. Individual game mechanics vary, but generally in-game items are
acquired through gameplay (randomly or as a reward), exchanged between players or
purchased from the game’s publisher with real money.

3.8 In our view, the ability to convert in-game items into cash, or to trade them (for other items
of value), means they attain a real world value and become articles of money or money’s
worth. Where facilities for gambling are offered using such items, a licence is required in
exactly the same manner as would be expected in circumstances where somebody uses or
receives casino chips as a method of payment for gambling, which can later be exchanged
for cash.

This is entirely small samples non-exhaustively exploring some legal documents available. This also does not bring up the e-Sports gambling rules which can play into the observation of gambling portion of this system. There’s far more recent and far more detailed information available, that I just am not equipped with the right skillset to find and understand to the full extent a lawyer with experience would possess.

So I’ll break it down from my perspective starting from the top.
ISK has value. Everything in EVE Online, be it items, ships, characters. It takes time to do things, create content and to earn ISK. ISK can be exchange via PLEX.
Some items are valuable because you CANNOT create them due to limited supply, such as Alliance Tournament reward ships, or loot drops from rare encounters such as Officer loot.
By the words of the announcement:

As with similar activities from the past, HyperNet Relay will stimulate the economy of New Eden by increasing the trade velocity of items and thus the redistribution of assets. Items such as unique ships, Officer modules and more will now be able to move through the economy more often, giving more players a chance to own them.
The potential increase in access to coveted items for players through asset redistribution is also a very exciting prospect!

  • The items this feature has been advertised for are valuable.
  • Tickets to gamble can be purchased in any quantity, and bid on any item.
  • This is designed to be a social experience that many players can participate in, or observe.
  • EVE Online has a precedent set by making headlines for dollar-value amounts of ships being destroyed in fleet engagements. ISK can be converted into a real-money value by way of converting through PLEX pricing.

Therefore, this is a system designed for gambling: the items involved have a perceived value, the method to acquiring these items is in a chance-based system, the system is accessed with real money.

I’m going to move on to my next point regarding the climate surrounding any type of gambling or chance-based systems.

The announcement of this feature is probably the worst possible timing. Lootboxes, and any similar systems, have been widely criticized over the last year(s) for being predatory systems that exploit people prone to gambling addiction, as well as introduce a myriad of design problems for a game that have these systems.
As many have already said, this is not going to be accepted. For all the posts of people speaking out, there’s going to be many people trying to cope with gambling addiction that will never be heard from that drop EVE Online. There will be people that drop the game to prove a point that they will not pay a subscription in protest.
There is the additional consequences in nations implementing bans on games with gambling systems. This is a gambling system, and puts EVE Online at risk of being barred from nations across the world, and in specific states of the United States which would also lever a ban on EVE Online.

To say it is a risk to add this system is completely understating the breadth of the issue.

Lastly, there are pre-existing game mechanics for Auctions, and Item Exchanges. Auctions are a simple system, bid on with ISK for the specific set of items contracted. If the Auction is not won, ISK is returned. It is a relatively private affair. Any item that can be contracted can be added to an Auction.
With this new system: money is not returned if a participant does not win; it is a publicized social experience with the myriad of social pressures that go with such publicity; and in fact takes steps back for functionality by only allowing a single item.

From my perspective, this is a system to enable gambling with items using real-money in EVE Online. This will cause problems for players trying to cope with addiction, or for those that will simply turn away to avoid supporting a game with a system designed to prey on its consumers.
This also introduces a definite possibility EVE Online will be banned in several countries that are taking hard stances against games with gambling systems of any kind.

I am hoping that the feedback and real consequences on the line will turn this potentially-implemented system into something that is turned aside and never brought into the game.

Thank you for your time.


Well if France ever blocks EVE Online, and CCP loses the court case, you can always VPN play it, and the negative publicity will likely cause a rescindation.

Post number 1,000 \o/