Introducing the HyperNet Relay

Just like the normal lottery. The money payed by the participants is the money pool. The organizer (in this case CCP) takes out their part (in this case money for raffle tokens) and the rest is the price pool. It’s just a privately run lottery, no more, no less.

And to be fair, eve is filled with people that already have hefty real life issues. Confronting these people with easy access to gambling is just in bad spirit. Exploiting the player-base like this is just a dick-move.

Shame on your CCP, even if you find a way to wiggle through the law-issues with this.


Actually the thing used to start one is the Hypercore and yes, this can ONLY be bought in the NES. I know that is a somewhat pedantic point as PLEX/rl money is much of a muchness but considering the amount of inaccurate things people have been saying here I just thought it best to be as clear as possible.

It is indeed which also makes it illegal in many countries without the correct licenses and or permits.

As I said previously, CCP is treading a thin line. I’d hate to not be able to legally play Eve due to laws in my country.


No bro, they’re not carebears, they’re fucing scammer griefers.

Scammer because they intentionally rob players by misrepresenting facts about their service or product. Griefer because they get their jollies and revel in seeing rage tears produced from what they implement into the game.

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That is a very sad description of CCP, which unfortunately is pretty accurate


Oh, now I know why your name sounds familiar. Any relation to Profile - Noori_Naarian - EVE Online Forums, the compulsive liar and frequent poster of terrible ideas?

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A much easier solution to that would have been to introduce the SkyNet, er I mean the HyperNet Relay as a Global Market Interface that covers all regions within the Eve Universe. And to not disrupt or negate the current Regional Markets, the SkyNet… um excuse me, the HyperNet Relay could have higher tax and Broker fees attached to it.

However as usual instead of doing that, CCP decides to blindly jump headfirst into what’s considered and viewed as a very controversial and debatable practice, both in the gaming world and in the real world.

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But that isn’t real money gambling.

So, do we need an adult?

The items required to start the raffle require real money. They come from the NES, and PLEX is brought into the game through real-money purchases (even if the person holding the raffle didn’t pay for the PLEX).

I’m not so concerned about gambling in general but I don’t like video game companies becoming casinos. EVE is a pretty adult game but it’s a step in the wrong direction.


It’s a bit upsetting that you stated the obvious, and no-one made the connection

CCP is going to bring great things soon. Just think of all the emotes we can buy with loot boxes! I can do a stupid dance whenever I install a factory job! If Walking in Stations existed! Maybe my ship can do the dance? Iron out the details later. We need loot boxes ASAP.

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Fairly new to Eve, started playing to get away from that kinda predatory practices… ow well, guess it’s gonna be easier to jump the ship now then if i had few years in


What is it you don’t get - If there is ANY component of real money use, it is covered under the legislation.

Even if you personally don’t spend money to start a raffle, someone else did to allow you to do it with plex purchased with isk… Even if you buy the item needed from the market, someone had to use real money to get it to the market.
REAL MONEY was used to facilitate the starting of the raffle.


Yeah but that real money was turned into fake money. Doesn’t count. Enjoy your fake gambling with real moeny!

The legislation doesn’t care what the real money is changed into - It only cars there was real money involved in the process…

Good try at trolling, sadly you failed miserably.,.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear all that common sense stuff over the sound of CCP making money! I hope they spend it on emotes. And, slime girl/boy cosmetics. We could really use a candy cane shotgun as well.


I’ve read the announcement twice and still don’t really understand the mechanics of this new “feature”, but I don’t think I really want to. Whether it’s some weird version of an auction in which CCP might increase demand a bit for PLEX or something else, it doesn’t seem like it has anything to do with improving EVE as a game.

There are much better ways that CCP could be spending developer time than on crap like this. There are bugs that need fixing, game features that need redesign work, and new content that could be created to help address concerns of stagnation by more than a few players.

Seeing CCP spend valuable staff time on some trite, underwhelming gambling feature just does more to fuel the notion that CCP has no idea anymore of which direction to go with developing the game. They don’t even seem to understand that this is an issue they need to resolve. A ship adrift at sea with no course, no captain, and a crew that doesn’t even seem to care.


Gotta say what you suggest is very plausible.

I’m also thinking that all 3 possibilities will happen, with CCP counting on the players to complete the first 2 possibilities while CCP completes the last possibility, except they only have to buy one node since they’ve already coded the RNG to automatically make them the winner.

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Please show me where it says that. :thinking: