Introducing the HyperNet Relay

No, but I would have said that was a stupid reason when they did it if that was that was the argument they made.

It was my understanding that the casinos were banned because every single one of them were engaging in RMT.

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I am excited about the HyperNet. I have spoken.


From TiS discord:

[CCP] RiseToday at 11:08 AM
the feature will be completely shut off to folks who ask for that

However, as I’ve said to him there: Relying on the addict to self-police is beyond pointless, it’s cruel.

Also, as to why gambling sites were cut off…

“We see ourselves as janitors of the universe and our job is to create an environment where people can have amazing experiences and tell interesting stories and if that environment is broken somehow or is at risk for some reason, we step in and fix it.”
CCP Seagull on why she (and the rest of the EVE team) decided to ban gambling in a EULA update circa 2016.

ty, @Jin_taan


Do i get this right - you want me to spend money on the NES so i can gamble on items?

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RMT is the go to excuse for CCP because it’s the most hated reason by the playerbase. Of course there’s no accountability or transparency whatsoever and the accused have no recourse.

I truly pity people who actually believe.

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Wait a second, why is CCP Dopamine avatar portrait so evil looking of a sudden? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


no they want you to spend money on NES so you can set up a raffle for OTHERS to gamble on :wink:

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It’s not that I have anything against gambling. I play poker myself, I think gambling is fine.

It’s more that we are spending dev hours on a feature (loot boxes), that has already proven to be controversial within the gaming space. Something some countries have started to ban, which in turn might end up forcing CCP to remove this again. So a waste of time and resources.

The reason I am astonished and think CCP just isn’t the company for me anymore, is that this is what is being developed over improving/rebalancing already existent systems.


This is nothing like a casino or even like a lottery. It’s more like a church raffle. It’s a nice way to sell highly valuable items without everyone having to go to a market hub like Jita or Dodixie.

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They already have to do this, don’t they? There’s nothing stopping somebody with a gambling addiction from walking into 7-11 and buying a lotto ticket, right?

We can’t base these decisions around the potential for a small part of the population to abuse it. If we did that, there wouldn’t be an EVE Online at all.

If they’re putting in an opt out, that tells me they recognize the issue and they’re providing tools to help solve the problem. That’s what they should do, and I am glad they are being responsible.

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I recall when my countries government did the same thing. They first banned lotteries then eventually introduced their own. Talk about wiping out the competition…


Yup, gambling is fine if nuns do it.

When CCP does it, it’s church raffle.

When somebody else does, it’s evil RMTer.


You’re talking to me about transparency and recourse? lol

Ok, euh…

Will this “HyperCores” made available by some NPC orders on any regional markets, or will they be exclusively player-supplied ?

If first, it could be a partial ISK sink that the game needs. If second, I hope that you calculated the number of players who will left because PLEX prices will raise again.

In all cases, I hope your legal division is ready for the backslash as some EU countries won’t accept this once informed.


I value justice and fairness. If you don’t, that’s on you.

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I agree, more and more of what we do by playing and subscribing to the game, gets hijacked, and in the end will not matter anymore at all, so why should we bother, where is the incentive to play anymore.

The beautiful game of eve has lost its appeal, it all started with the skill injectors, and here we are.


Maybe the first time you open it up CCP could add a nice big warning, with some sort of age verification and a big button that allows you to disable it for your account permanently. That’s the only way I could see them doing it without making the entire thing opt-in.

So you’re against door locks, too? I mean, it’s only a small part of the population who’d waltz in, shoot you, and take your stuff.

This remains predatory behavior. I do not think game companies should be prey upon their customers. This is wrong.


Got it, you don’t know my story.

Good idea. Whales are gonna feed you guys for days. Eve’s player base is to small to make a AAA game.