Introducing the HyperNet Relay


Like 60 people voted in the dumb self selecting poll
There are almost 27,000 players on EVE right now.

That is less than 0.003% of the playerbase.

How about you go and tell them? If they cared, they’d be here voicing their opinions now, wouldn’t they?

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In before
“Must answer a time-limited skill testing question” to receive your prize…

Legislature cares.
The issue of blatent online gambling is not new, the EU is talking about new regulations, other places as well.
It’s impertinent to waste dev time on a feature that will be illegal in half a year or so.
And its unethical for a gaming company to offer gambling wich is why legislature will do something about it.
Not like this debate is only about EVE online…

You need to show proof that this is actually violating legislation first. You cannot do this, so this point is moot.

Just because you FEEL like this is violating gambling laws does not mean it actually IS violating gambling laws.

Looking at the poll, by majority at least here.

Historically, the religion like Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam were against it, and as those religions were embraced by people in the world for millenia, I would say by majority of people it was condemned.

And there is also Confucian proverb, “The gentleman sees righteousness, the petty man sees profit.”

  • Legislature only cares about opening a new revenue stream.

  • I see, so now you can predict the future? No you can’t so stop talking about X being illegal in a year or so because you don’t know what you are talking about.

  • “Unethical” is in the eye of the beholder and has nothing to do with law. Many unethical things are legal and many ethical things are illegal. Legislature doesn’t give a crap about making laws perfectly in line with any supposed set of ethics.

Thats not my claim. Do you suffer from some sort of temporal confusion?

Religions are against it because it cuts into their profit. That’s all there is to that. On avg, only 150/200 people will post in this thread, of that about 50/75 will be the most vocal, hardly a fair comparison to the player base as a whole.

The ISD can correct my numbers.:wink:

Edit; I forgot BINGO, they like gambling if makes them a profit! :laughing:

Cool, so you’re just one of those outrage perverts who get off and being mad at things for no reason.

And all these religions are totally righteous. Riiiiight…

Condemn gambling and then wage war to slaughter and enslave the heretics lolol

Gambling is ruining people, as examples show. People even steal to gamble, the society suffers expecially families because of gamblers taking loans and losing money in gambling, also gamblers life is ruined. Its unethical like always. So what that you can gamble somewhere, Its still addicting and bad like always.

You dont have to be philosopher to see what it does to people. But being ignorant helps to ignore the potential problems arising. CCP sacrificed ethics for money.

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Yes, gambling is bad for “some”. What are the numbers? What percentage of people cant handle gambling and have a problem?

Its not about percentages, but about people.

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:rofl: I’m not giving up buying a scratch ticket once a week for the .01 percent of the population who cant handle it. Nor is CCP or even my state gov for that matter. Such is life…

For the companies who offer online gambling it’s a significant percentage of the revenue - hence why its ethically wrong.
And especially in CCPs case:
first banning people for gambling then reintroducing it with a twist where they not only profit from people blowing their life savings on plex but also gain a fixed profit per gambling transaction.
The hipocrisy displayed here is just disgusting.


Anything can ruin someone if they don’t act responsibly.

Should we ban cars because some people drive bad and get in accidents potentially ruining themselves and others? Ban all business because some owners run companies bad into bankruptcy ruining their families, vendors, employees, etc? Ban bath tubs because some people slip in them and die?

Maybe we should just ban people. From the moment you are born your life is unknown and a gamble. You can potentially ruin many others and have a negative impact on the non-human world as well. So by banning people we save everyone and the earth from the potential threat and suffering caused by people.

Wrong. There are almost 27k characters logged in. I think I may know maybe 2 people who do not multibox. I am currently running 4 of those chars and someone I am running with at is running 11. There are far fewer “players” online than there are “characters logged in”.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree it should not be in the game. But, again, that’s just a few of us. To say CCP cant do, it’s immoral while we enjoy one of the most immoral games available would be hypocritical of ourselves. There are many things you can waste your money on in game. Piling in money for any reason is bad. All in moderation. I cant pick one thing over another as to what’s the worst money sink in the game. We all have our own.

I’ve been subbing for 6 years now on a gamble the game would get better. I lost, should EVE be banned?

Edit; I cant help it, I just love throwing gas on a fire. :crazy_face:

There is a difference between risking a ship and flat out gambling.
Here’s a good read on the topic:

the whole thing is designed in a way that lures gambling addicts in.
Flashy lights, a life feed of whats happening…

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So 5 people had a problem? Get them help, the other 24,995 didn’t.