Introducing The Winter Expansion - EVE Online: Lifeblood

Vote in the election, even if it’s not for the winning candidates. Beyond that, in the here and now, talk to us! I’ve made a video where I show roughly the role of the CSM in what CCP does. We need the playerbase to work with us and be active in talking to us about what’s wrong with the game, or else we simply seem like we’re whining about nothing. Even if we don’t agree with you at all times, that conversation is worth more to the public (and CCPs) perception of how representative the CSM is as an institution and therefore how much of a stakeholder it is in CCPs operation.

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Couldn’t agree more - and as you say, more importantly an in game one. It’s bad UI design that the only way I can find out what ore in a system is by going to an outside resource to find out, for example. This is actually a note that the CSM has been hitting for a long time, so glad to see it echoed here.

TBH this is always the problem with metric based design. Is it that these features are poorly implemented, or that the playerbase at large doesn’t want them? It’s hard to argue the former when this is the first time this CSM is even being exposed to this kind of conversation, and equally why it’s good to be having it.


Couldn’t agree more, I’ve talked with @DeMichael_Crimson extensively on how poorly communicated it is.


Asked multiple times at the summit.


I’m both happy and sad how this thread is turning out: happy that new ideas and perspectives are being discussed in a civil manner with a CSM member, sad that this may be the first real substantive discussion I’ve seen in a long time with CSM member. Thanks for engaging, is there any chance that any fellow CSM members would be willing/opened to joining this discussion?:thinking:


Real, substantive discussions happen all the time w/CSMs. Often it’s via in-game channels where they don’t have a ‘CSM’ block on their name. A number of them are on tweetfleet slack, but that runs into the same ‘this isn’t actually accessible by everyone, and it’s not an official, CCP-owned communications venue’ that you run into with all of the devs who hang out there, too. @CCP_Falcon, at least, has taken the laudible step of deciding not to do the majority of his communication through tweetfleet slack anymore, and I’m hopeful that’ll provide an impetus for the rest of the devs to focus more on the venues all of their customers know about and can easily access… like here.

Heck, most of the players may not even know Tweetfleet slack exists, to go looking for a way to get invited to join.


Read some of the vitrol posted towards CSMs, Nullsec and how bad of people we are and how terrible of a job we’re doing and ask yourself if you’d be willing to dig through the trash to get the nuggets of gold.

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We could get xenuria… I know he’s not a CSM this year, but… no, nevermind, bad idea.

Fair complaint, but it cannot be any worse than the HS community gets from the HTFU and git gud crowd that tends to respond to our concerns when voiced in the forums. The revelation (at least to me) that both the Devs and the CSM rely on slack/ tweet fleet for most of their information gathering outside of fanfest better explains the apparent disconnect with certain player type factions within EVE and re-enforces my belief that those in power must actively reach outside their normal lines of communications to enhance their decision making. Thanks for wading through the swamp to engage with us, I can only hope you are able to direct your fellow CSM members and the Devs to reach out more.


It’s really not. EvE has the same dps, tank, healer, support subclasses as all other mmos so the content can be done the same as well. It’s the matter of wanting to put in the effort rather than just phoning in Agency missions.

There are some stuff that would still not work. Important interrupt would not work, so would tank swap, fire/green/void zones would suck because of the nature of ship control in EVE, “adds” cleaving, AoE damage is cancer to deal with in EVE…

Ehhhh, healer/support, yeah. DPS, sure. Tank? Everyone needs to be able to tank well enough for the healers to get them. There’s no taunt, no ‘I WILL HOLD AGGRO’ mechanic other than pure DPS, and for the newer AI, even that doesn’t always hold.

When you get right down to it, EvE has the same Cleric/Mage/Thief/Fighter dynamic as D&D.

Cleric = Logi - Heavy Armour, healing ability, nobody cares about anything you do apart from your heals

Mage = EWAR - battlefield control, debuffs, buffs, die if you so much as get looked at by a combat ship

Thief = Tackle, Interdiction, Stealth & Snipers

Fighter = Mainline DPS - heaviest armour, biggest possible weapon, obsession with kill board, uses intelligence as a dump stat


Not gonna lie, laughed myself silly over this one.


like maybe the actual high sec rep might like to add something at some point… where is steve?

@Jin_taan stuffed him into one of GigX’s dreads last night.

And if you don’t know who that is, count yourself lucky. I don’t claim my jokes are for everyone. :slight_smile:

Greetings Capsuleers!

Today we’re really excited to share our plans for a new feature called Resource Wars. Coming your way in the upcoming October expansion, EVE Online: Lifeblood, Resource Wars will enable you to continue fighting for your Empire in sites called Mining Expeditions all across high-sec space.

After warping to a Mining Expedition’s heavily worked asteroid fields, you can take part in the struggles of New Eden’s empires to mine rare ores that are the lifeblood of their war machines. You’ll have to hold off ruthless pirate raiders hoping to seize these riches from your empire, so that the Mining Expedition’s freighters can safely deliver their precious cargo to the empire’s refineries and shipyards. It’s vital that your empire recover as much as possible from the depleted asteroid fields as they look to build up their fleets into ever more powerful armadas. You and your friends will be critical to their efforts.

For decades, each of the four core empires have been sending Mining Expeditions into these asteroid fields to harvest the vast quantities of ore required to manufacture advanced technologies. These extremely important strategic resources have been gathered under the watchful eyes of each empire’s dedicated military logistics and supply corporation. They have surveyed all existing mining expeditions and determined that they are rapidly being exhausted with pirate raiders wreaking havoc on their returns. A high priority is now being placed on extracting all remaining resources in the face of growing pirate raids. As Blood Raiders, Guristas Pirates, Serpentis and Angel Cartel attack these desperate operations, it is essential that capsuleers play their part in the resource wars between the empires and the pirates.

You and your fleet mates will form a strike team with the empire mining expedition fleet to warp to these previously secure sites and survey the environment to select the best asteroid clusters to focus on. If you choose to mine with the fleet, your role will be to gather the resources as quickly as possible and deposit the rare ore into waiting haulers. If you fit for combat, you will defend the fleet miners against the incoming pirates and their reinforcement waves. After your force enters a site, mine the asteroids and eliminate the pirates as quickly as possible before heading to the next site once the haulers are filled and warp away. These sites will contain a new asteroid type, never seen before in New Eden.

The Mining Expedition sites are located in each empire’s own space all across high sec. With 5 tiers, they are an ideal place for new players, veterans and everyone in between to work together towards a shared goal with clear goals, objectives, and feedback. The reward for successfully completing the sites will be ISK, standings and LP with the new Resource Wars corporations.

These newly available corporations are:

Imperial War Reserves of the Amarr Empire
State Military Stockpile of the Caldari State
Federal Strategic Materiel of the Gallente Federation
Republic Fleet Ordnance of the Minmatar Republic

Increasing your standing with the corporations will allow you to enter more restricted sites where you fill higher capacity haulers and face tougher opponents. For those you’ll be able to bring higher tier ships and earn greater rewards for your efforts. Tier 1 of the mining expedition sites will be open to Corvettes and Frigates, with expedition sites opening up to Battleships at Tier 5. The sites will have a maximum capacity, but your empire does not expect you to share your reward so the number of players who enter the site alongside you will have no impact on the payouts.

While in the site, you will notice that the empire’s ships have new SKINs–a unique one for each empire. These will be available to you inside reward crates available for Loyalty Points (LP) and ISK from each empire’s Resource Wars corporation LP stores.

These reward crates will also contain a selection of ships with basic modules to complete a fit and a fitting plan. We want to allow players to participate in the Resource Wars, earn standings to unlock the higher tiers, and use their ISK and LP to buy the next tier reward crate from the LP store. As these ship packages feature a unique Resource Wars SKIN and will be available via the LP store through all stations in each empire’s sovereign high-sec space, they will cost more than purchasing the same hull straight from the market.

As we head towards the launch of the EVE Online: Lifeblood expansion on October 24th, we will keep you updated on Resource Wars as it progresses, sneak peaks of the new SKINS, and other possible items we’re considering for the new reward crates.

Until then, fly safe o7

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answers a few concerns eh

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probably why the devblog itself is the focus of discussion over on the thread for it!

Still have questions,though. It says that you have to form a “strike team”, implying that fleet up before the site is mandatory. The site is limited by finite group size, but if a couple pilots leave (is there a penalty?) could a couple PvP or griefer players then enter? More info is needed and I’ will have to run a few before a final judgement. I am at least interested to try it out and it is new HS content, so it is a start (I hope).

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