I was inspired by this very interesting recent move by CCP
So, here is a draft of that idea taken to the greater scale.
First, a certain set of achievements is strictly defined. It may be a fixed set, or it may be re-drafted for each such occasion from a more broader set of possible achievements (to have more variety and wider scope). Achievements like “The shunniest carebear of the month/year” (player with the greatest ratio of hours spent grinding pve content to isk lost due to his ship blown up by other players or isk lose caused by him to another players by blowing their ships ), or “The wildest explorer of the month” (the best ratio of hacked containers to number of other player’s ships blown up by him at data/relic sights), or “Star tycoon” (sheer amount of goods produced by this player), or “The God of Destruction” (amount of citadels blown up by the player). I’m getting short of catchy names, but you can come up with tons of such achievements. It could be the greatest isks volume collected from bounties on players, or, in contrary, set on other players by somebody. Or it could be a leader of nullsec alliance which caused the most significant change of the sov map for the last 3 months, or somebody who hauled most m3 of cargo/completed most of courier contracts set by players. The main idea is that it must be sort of exceptional players in their own niche.
Every once in a while (once per month/3 months/half a year), for each selected achievement, one player is nominated by CCP (thus it can be several players with different backgrounds, in total)
Each of them is given a certificate for a “Minute of fame” right (a trade-able in-game item). The certificate must be activated within next 1-2 weeks, and upon activation can’t be traded anymore, and will last for, say, a month.
While certificate is active, each nominee is granted a guaranteed spotlight time throughout the game world. Ranging from in-station screens, to screens at gates, to some new small windows in the game’s launcher, to advertisements on the official site and forums, may be even to some real-time feed at the bottom of the game client’s window. All nominees submit some materials they want other players to see. It could be some textual message, images, video feeds, even sound files. Those materials are delivered using all mentioned technical means to all the Eve players, on constant basis, for the whole month. They may contain whatever each nominee wants. Yup, it’s his/her month of fame. They got a chance to talk to the whole New Eden, even to those who rarely visit forums, and share any ideas they want with them. Whine about how difficult is carebear’s life? You are welcome! Confess of his utter love for every Eve players? Totally ok! Advertise for some activity he thinks sees too little attention from other players, or talk about his long path to this day of recognition? It’s ok. Giggle, troll and mock the whole playerbase? Whatever, until it meets EULA’s requirements.
Or may be they’ll decide to sell the certificate (or their “voice”) to some powerfull block for a good sum of isks, so those crooks could use it for their corrupted goals? Should be allowed too, I guess.
The potential of this idea is… stunning. It can truly unite the whole community and serve as a strong incentive to excel in what you do in the game. It may be abused, to some extent (but if the next event’s nominations won’t be known in advance, it will be quite hard to intentionally try to meet their requirements, you’ll have to make a wild guess and spend a lot of time on useless grind perhaps), but still I believe it’s worth to be tried.