Invalid URL --the Web of verify mail told me this when I logging to Singularity

I found that I could not logging Singularity just now, I know that after a period of not logging in, I need to re-add my account to the launcher first,then I got the mail in my mailbox, unfortunately, when I click verify, the page says “Bad Request - Invalid URL HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid.”

The following pic is the screenshot :
clicked verify.png
I logged it before, I hope I can log in future XD, what should I do?

seems like I just learn to use this lol, I can add the pic in here… T_T

As best I can remember, verification emails do not work on the Singularity server; the only contents cloned over are the actual accounts, not all the back-end account management processes (which is why there is also no account management interface or support ticket system for Sisi logins). CCP does not have an additional two-factor authentication server set up to support Sisi connections.

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I have the same problem. what to do?

Also seeing this error.

Bug report submitted for Singularity.


I am also seeing this and submitted a support ticket and got promptly told to post in here as player experience doesn’t handle singularity SMH

Yes - I got the same. That is correct though. GMs don’t have authority over SiSi like they do Tranq. SiSi is the test server, so sometimes… ■■■■ breaks. I’m sure they’ll resolve it soon enough.

Yep, its broke. When your SiSi token expires for any given account you’re boned because you can’t verify to re-add.

It dose make sence, seems like the test service has not a 2-step auth, anyway, it is work now!!

thank you all, guys~

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