Invasion knowledge share

Played in the Invasion for a while last night, had a great time. A few notes to share from my time hit and running near gates and NPC stations.

  • For those of you that have run lots of abyssal filaments the AI behavior should feel very familiar.
  • The damage is Thermal\Exp exclusively from what I’ve seen.
  • The damage is extremely high due the commonly large packs.
  • The gates and stations near the gate are great for solo work as they primarily only get the the smaller mobs unless a true fleet with Leshaks comes by (rare).
  • By the gates Warp Scrams were not seen, but a plethora of webifiers, weapon/guidance disruptiors, and dampeners. Neuts also present, but only 1-2 in packs.
  • Hitting with Kinetic damage is advised as it felt like the highest resistance hole.
  • The NPCs with warp in reinforcements, and if you withdraw may withdraw to another fight. They will also follow you in some circumstances to where you warp.
  • Ninja salvagers are everywhere. If you like hunting suspects there were 2-4 at any given time.
  • If you are a drone boat bring high slot salvagers and tractor beams, or you won’t get a chance to salvage your own loot.
  • Large drones will get shredded by these mobs. Mediums get targeted far less often.
  • A 10k armor 80 therm \ 75 Exp with Large T2 armor repper did NOT feel comfortable.
  • A “Typical passive Gila with T2 mods” was comfortable enough to take down 2-3 rats before hitting 30% shields and warping to a station.
  • Cargo loot was terrible: Scrap, some cheap mission running like loots (rare), and ever once in a while a trig survey data red loot. I’m guessing the skill books come from cargo though.
  • Salvage loot was pretty great: Some common highsec salvage loot, generous amounts of the new Trig T2 components.

Hope this helps others.


Look for them in “DED” LP store.

I’ve seen people in the chat say they have gotten them from a drop., so they drop somehow.

Yes but they are also in that new (?) LP store in DED npc stations. You can find skins, new skills (for industry), and datacore there. We probable get LP when sites starts to spawn in systems.

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Anyone know if the Triglettes will pod you?

Interestingly enough Triglavian ships are combat probe scannable, like diamond rats. And one could for example scan for Zorya’s Leshaks as they warp around celestials.

No Triglavian Structures or Anoms or Sigs have been found so far.

I have heard they do, but I haven’t seen it happen nor have I seen any kill mails showing it.

I have read the trivs can chase you. We can test to engage and warp to a save spot, and wait…, If they appears you can fight them and salvage in the privacy of that save spot. Obviously a ninja salvager can combat scan you, but could be to much work for a vulture.

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didnt pod me

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so can a trio of ships do the entry level perimeter sites?
also can you solo from any of the difficulty tiers? perimeter>adjacent>foothold? Just regular T2 HACs work here?
interested if its possible to solo w/ alts etc. Or just two people with multiple alts

Can anyone confirm that there even are sites? I’ve spent several hours doing these with fleets and only saw the roaming trig ships, no beacons in any system.

There are no sites… yet. At that I could find.

One assumes that will come with the next phase of the invasion since these guys are just ‘scouting’.

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They also show up on D-Scan :slight_smile:

sorry, i mistype there. no SITES…I meant…the systems marked as such. Perimeter>adjacent>foothold

There are no “sites” at this time, just roving fleets of Trig ships of varying size. If you fly smart you can do hit and run tactics with HACs, but if you plan to stand you ground and fight the fleets you’ll want BC and BSs. Even with a fleet of about 20 we we getting overwhelmed by waves of 50 ships.

Some more knowledge share from last night.

  • Logi is really rough. The trigs switch targets frequently and hit like a freight train.
  • Working your way from large to small in fleets seems to have helped alot for keeping DPS managable.
  • When soloing I noticed focusing down the renewing frigates almost always caused renewing frigate reinforcements, very aggravating

Overall I have to note the AI and behavior of the Trigs is really well done. Reinforcement waves, tactical retreats, scrams in big packs were terrifying, etc


Something I noticed last night was even when burning you down, something would often draw their aggro.

Three times they almost broke the tank on the Drake I was flying with a group of randoms. Two of those times they switched off of me when I was under 20% shield. No idea what pulled them off of me…

The third time I had to duck through the gate when I got into armor.

I have been working on a tengu fit: 700 dps, 1200dps tank, capstable, my idea is have a look, and see how hard do they beat.

have you noticed if the trigs adjust the reponse to the number of ships on grid?

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Haven’t noticed a correlation on fleet size, more-so a response to response to how much damage you are doing to them (which could kinda correlate to fleet size) and how deep in you are fighting within the invasion.

Their dps is really impressive, just fight aligned to a station so you can bail when it gets too hot.

I tried this last night, solo (in a peripheral controlled system), and killed several waves. I’d suggest starting at distance and burning them down as the approach.

Been using a Gila.

They use all kinds of Ewar - have yet to be scrammed or pointed.

The DPS, especially if you land on top of them is brutal, so solo definately avoid that.

You’ll need a Scanner Probe launcher to find the site rats, other rats spawn at Citadels, Custom Offices, around gate guns, etc.

Got alot of Red Tile things - worth 10mil supposedy. Havent seen other loots as of yet.

Overall, was fun and challenging solo wise.

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keep us posted please i would love to see the fit