lol rookie numbers, 636b last 30 days, on an alt…
Also stop showing off. those numbers can easily be manipulated. you not a whale, you barely a small fish… Go back to farming hi sec bases.
lol rookie numbers, 636b last 30 days, on an alt…
Also stop showing off. those numbers can easily be manipulated. you not a whale, you barely a small fish… Go back to farming hi sec bases.
But how much fun per hour do you have?
how much of this value was re-traded over and over and how much of it was actual profit?
ISK per hour is only relevant if you need that ISK to do something you enjoy. Higher ISK per hour means more time left to do something you enjoy. But if the activity of making ISK is already fun to you then whatever it makes per hour isn’t as much of a point anymore.
The governing factor here is fun per hour, not ISK per hour… unless having more ISK then the last time you played is your thing. Personally I try to balance. Make money, blow it on stuff I like, and repeat.
Have fun out there!
8 mil a hour is NOT good
that said people will say to you about 100/200/300 mil / hour and most of it are lies
yes you can have 4 blinged rattlesnakes making BIIIIG bucks in a wormhole , or 2 dreads
yes you can do t6 abyssal
but think about the risk and the investment
the only “easy” money in eve is HS incursions , and even there you have to get a maxed skill pirate battleship else your mates will treat you like ■■■■
wen i lived in HS i did my money with WH day trips , it was more than enough
wen i lived in null i made my money with ocasional gas mining . didn’t like to rat or mine with barges etc … it was more than enough
wen i lived in low i made my money with faction warfare plexes , lots of fights it was more than enough
my goal was to plex and buy some ships to pew pew + have the tool ships to make me the money
sooooooooooooooooo , if you do some ■■■■ that you like you will have isk and will not be a slave
dont make eve a job , its not worth it
You can see the income and expenses. 135 billion to 79 billion. That leaves 56 billion profit. Try to manipulate that.
And I have proven my stats with a print-screen. You haven’t proven your claim with anything. So far, you are nothing but a saggy baloon, full of hot air.
If the balloon is saggy, it’s not full.
That’s not entirely true, if you fill a baloon with water it will still sag. But for air sure.
I beat you all. I can make 800 million in 30 seconds…mining Mastercard.
Pretty spot on!
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