If everyone’s loot was nerfed, he would be asking about that but he’s asking why his character specifically has shitty loot. He’s comparing himself to people on twitch, so he’s not asking if CCP nerfed everybody’s loot
I started run emergingconduits for the first time this week. The bount payment after corp tax for me is 4.1M isk and at best I have gotten is 8M isk in loot/salvage. So at best I am making 24.2M isk per hour soloing them.
I would add that EVE does not pay me very well and compared to most players I know I don’t make 25% of what they make do to loot drops for anything I do.
169 Words. Non-Stop. (used a texteditor to count the spaces)
I can’t say you deserve any respect.
If this is an indication of anything, then it’s that you’re not actually capable of thinking about something properly. Thinking requires structured thoughts. Considering that you can’t even write structured posts, I can’t really assume you can form structured thoughts, which …
… I guess …
… means that it’s not your fault for not being able to think of other possibilities but sure your argument about Streamers is valid but otoh thanks to your post I also can’t trust your perception in regards to what you believe is actually a thing despite everyone telling you that it isn’t and I really doubt you’re actually able to watch enough streamers for long enough to asses the situation properly which means that you’re probably not really knowing if their loot really is going down or if you’re just watching them during the wrong times and maybe you should instead talk to other people and let them provide some anecdotal evidence of their own to convince us all that the loot has been throttled btw i like how you call it throttled I’ve never read it like this before people usually just call it a nerf and are done with it but throttled is actually quite the nice sounding word and fits perfectly.
Your loot/salvage may be a bit on the low side but the bigger issue is time. If you are getting 12mil per site and 24mil per hour you are only getting 2 in per hour?
Most people running this with the higher isk per hour are running them in under 10 minutes per site.
thinks he can pop someone in HS “stealing” his kills.
thinks he is the only one punished for it.
asks in forums, then attacks everyone who posts an answer he doesn’t like.
Calls the community dumb…
Things relevant to the actual conversation.
In general it seems there may have been an overall stealth nerf to loot, even though this is not your claim as you claimed streamers and others are doing fine so it is just you.
Nobody is aware, nor has it ever been hinted, that loot drops are punished for people who get concorded.
Up to 3 people in an emerging conduit get full payouts. So in general it’s far better to ask someone if they want to fleet up and split the loot than try to pop them. I have met a bunch of cool new people this way AND made more isk at the same time.
Gawd, what a stubborn numbskull. Nowhere in the original post did he compare his experience with twitch streamers.
If you’re going to quote, post the complete sentence instead of doing selective quoting and portraying it out of context in an attempt to prove yourself right.
Here’s the actual sentence that I answered in my reply to the OP.
Anyway, my answer was directed to the OP and if you don’t like it, too fucing bad.
After reviewing the thread in total, I’m going to leave it closed.
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