Is CCP still creating apparel?

Apparel…is CCP still making them or was it just a phase when the WIS was still in work?

Im looking for the female set of wire rim glasses that are only available for males at the moment.

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Recently we saw the addition of the Triglavian coats. There’s some new facial…“implant” things coming as well.

So, yes, but…barely.


Hi there,

The barely is what I have a problem with. How come we have so many SKINS for our vessels in space but we still can’t get our own appearance past wearing some glasses and a baret? Why do we have Communism in Eve Online? Why have clothes at all if we put our ships in pretty dresses instead?

I am playing as a girl because I want to feel like a strong female warrior. But if I can only dress like Rose Tico in The Last Jedi then eventually I rather look like a brown potato in another game. You want to attract new players to the game CCP then consider stepping into the future by understanding why The Next Generation had a gorgeous female Borg character in it…

Potential New Female Gamer: Why is the game called Eve Online, are the ships gendered? I guess being immortal in a galaxy far far away is nothing more then the idea of #TheForceIsFemale

What’s in a name…In the name of the Rose…:wilted_flower:


Those, along with the Exoplanets Apparel, were obtained as a reward from Project Discovery. They should be available in the Jita Market or in Public Contracts.

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I’m assuming you mean Seven of Nine. That was not TNG, that was Voyager.

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Lynn Salvatori played a Borg drone in TNG : “The Best of Both Worlds” (uncredited)

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rofl … funny … this guy complains it too less apparel and other complain its to much …

btw. hope you find what you look for @Muriel_en_Daire


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Cant find it in-game.

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It was probably about a year or two ago when I bought both the male and female ‘Farsight’ Spectacles in Jita.

Did you check all the Regional Markets and Public Contracts? If there’s none available then the only way to obtain them now would be thru Project Discovery.

Those female glasses are bugged & can clip through face, they are still in game but are not on the market or searchable via contract name search. To find them you must search contracts for eye wear, they are still for sale around 300m a pop.


Thanks but I’m not the one looking for them. Also Project Discovery is still active and that’s where the glasses come from, just like all the other Exoplanets apparel, both male and female.

As for being bugged and clipping through the face, I never noticed any problems with them on my characters.


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