There is a difference between CCP avoiding answering my questions and me not wanting to open myself up to the sort of griefing that I KNOW comes from giving operational details on this or any other forum.
AG’s post had no reply marker. I assumed he was talking to me. Maybe not. Still, it’s never wrong to apologize for being hurtful, even if being hurtful wasn’t intended.
I was replying to the person claiming that using 500M in ammo is stupid.
Ah. I see.
Well, I did think it a bit wasteful given that the station was undefended, but I get your point.
Thanks for clarifying.
Bashing a structure should not consume ammo. So yes going through 500m of ammo is stupid.
Something does not sit here. You attacked his shields twice in one day? Seems strange, you should of hit a timer for armor. did you mean to say that, or did you miss a day or so and let him rep the shields?
If you kill his HQ the war ends, and he cant re-war dec you for quiet some time.
Yeah. typo, braino, whatever. Sheilds day one. Armor day two.
I’m fighthing a COPD flare and my brain doesn’t always seem to be well-connected sometimes recently.
citation needed.
I would think that if you’re a merc company with toons that are tuned primarily for combat, that you could easily and swiftly take down a station with drones only, but as mentioned, we’re a mining alliance.
We did need to expend ammo, although I thought my partner’s choice of high-end ammo was . . . um . . . let’s be kind and call it “extravagant” and I talked him out of doing it for the third layer.
I used basic, Tech I Cruise and Heavy Assault missiles (not free, but not expensive) and lots and lots and lots of drones.
Ive bashed several structures and use no ammo.
Just because you can does not mean that you should .
Same could be said of using 500m in ammo on a structure.
I think you have no idea what you wrote actually means. It looks like you make posts completely unrelated to the one you are answering to.
Could you tell me the name, or give me some characters involved? i can tell you who they are and their intent.
you should basically always use faction ammo if you cant use t2, thats basically the way it works. Actually faction ammo really needs to be deleted from the game. it really kill the importance of t1/t2 ammo.
CN AM M : 2M4/day
void M : 1M2/day
null M : 800k/day
please, STFU.
Hardpass there captain rage
Void ammo is the highest DPS ammo for blasters, no faction ammo compares. Faction ammo is fine, yes it does better then t1 ammo but not always better theb t2, and t1 ammo is still the cheapest which if your bashing is probably the best choice sine your going to use alot. Also t1 crystals for energy weapons dont break so you can use them permanantly and bot use ammo or drones.
Cry moar. Your claim was ■■■■.
You’re the one who regularly seeks my attention by replying to me,
which means I’m not the one who has … well … let’s call it “issues”.
Just posting this to make sure that …
… those deeply rooted, unsolved psychological issues you have …
… keep both nagging you and eating you from the inside.
As usual will I just skip the next dozen unnecessary replies of yours …
… until it’s time to fuel the fire again.