Certainly is dead to me. I started playing in 2007 and was all in, even attended two FanFests in Iceland (2011 & 2013). But I stopped playing around 2014, as there was just no new content that interested me. I still have my two accounts on the free tier and will log in once in a blue moon to see if they’ve added anything new, but sadly, the game still is pretty much what it was in 2014, but worse. What happened to walking in stations? Why can’t we landing on planets? CCP seems to have fired all the original designers & developers who were on the right track, and replaced them with people who simply don’t know what they are doing. I cringe when I log in now and see all the desperate “jumping the shark” attempts like daily rewards, free skill points, rehashed NPC wars, etc.
Yes, Eve, once a very good game, is dead. At least until they wake up and move into the 2020’s.
I think honestly the game is dying. I played from 2003 - 2011 with primarily an industry focus. I have tried to come back a few times since then, but time constraints always prevented me from staying more than a few months. I have been trying to give it another go these last 60 or so days, but there are just so many changes and decisions made that I just don’t like. For example, I truly do not understand what they were thinking with industry…
Agree with everything you said. I was very active from 2007 - 2013, even attended two FanFests in Iceland, but the game never evolved to give me any reason to continue playing, especially when there were newer, more interesting games to spend my precious time with (e.g. Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, etc.). I’d add that one of the biggest gripes I have always had with CCP is the way they go about “balancing” - I’ve never heard of any other game where you log in one day and suddenly the ship that you were flying just the day before now has been crippled or radically changed and no longer functions like it did yesterday. I always thought this was a lazy way to do balancing, and was a major break of immersion. Can you imagine if you woke up one day, went to your garage, and suddenly your car now has 2 cylinders instead of 6, requires a different type of fuel, has the steering wheel on the other side, and so on? Balancing should be done in a much more organic, natural evolution way - add new capabilities to counter the over-powered ones.
This, along with the lack of any engaging new content (walking in stations, landing on planets, etc.) were the death knell for me.
In the beginning, there was CCP. And CCP created EVE and called it good. And then some doofus went onto the forums and shouted “EVE is dying!” immediately after it was released.
I like how you cite one of the most boring games in the space MMO genre, and another that is a glorified scam, as “more interesting”. I came to Eve from Elite Dangerous, Eve has far more depth and things to do. I encounter far more players in one system than I’ve ever encountered in all my time in Elite, total.
Plus when you PVP in Eve vs. Elite, it’s expected most of the time, while most Elite players seem to have some unholy aversion to any sort of PVP. Elite Safezone.
I also think CCP is in a better position than Frontier. Frontier has laid off most of their writers and some other positions related to Elite, and recently delivered a dumpster fire of an FPS expansion that is currently one of the most negatively-reviewed games on Steam. I don’t see Elite Dangerous continuing anywhere as long as Eve has or will.
Eve online is loosing players at a disastrous rate. So disastrous that the game will have zero concurrents by, maybe the year 2040. I will only be in my mid forties, which is practically tomorrow. Our only hope is some basement dwelling nerd will reverse engineer the server and then will host a private server for us. Which we all know almost never happens.
What isn’t so obvious is that the game is actually a zombie of its former self, both dead and undead, and as long as there is blood and flesh to feast upon it will continue to limp along until someone blows its head off or axes it to death or whatever they do in those zombie movies.
Yeah, the “EvE is dying” thing became something of meme over the years…but since the incarna misimplimentation tragic fiasco / greed is good thing / summer of rage reaction beginning of the long decline…it actually has - sadly - become progressively truer.
The EvE of the past is, of course, gone. Everything changes, and “you can’t go home again” is a true thing, certainly - but despite what good ol’ Hilmar says publicly, EvE won’t last forever. That it has lasted even this long is a testament to how great of an idea it was and especially how much it’s players put into it over the years. (why do you think no other project ccp has done has really caught on despite some of them actually being fairly good ideas? They just didn’t get that special power flow EvE got going.) Now, however, EvE is in decline…it actually is really dying now, I observe somewhat sadly but with grateful nostalgia.