Sure it required officer RCUs but back in the day you could fit cruise missiles to a Tengu and make a hilariously overpriced replica of a Manticore out of it.
I think at some point they straight up prevented you doing it though even if you could manage to make the fitting work.
I made this character specificity to pilot a Hound. I think it took me about 2.5 months to be able to fly one. I used it to tour losec and null, and for running lvl3s. After the change, I found out about Drakes. From then on, it was Caldari all the way for me. I keep this character just for the forums.
The biggest example of this for me personally was the Stealth Bomber nerf, when they took away our CM and made us use Torpedoes only. It turned the Stealth Bomber from an all-around tool to a highly specialized ship that was only useful against a narrow range of targets.
And yeah, I know that was a loooong time ago, but it still rankles, and you asked.
The bulk of the time I was most active ~2009-2014 a lot of the established parts of the game were fairly static - sure ships got a bit of tweaking, etc. but rarely was stuff fundamentally changed - it was only towards the end of that period there started to be a constant churn of established mechanics and that just got old fast especially with ~13 characters or whatever it was I ended up with by the time I quit.
I think part of the problem was/is the devs not really being invested in the active game when it comes to some of the changes so they have little impetus to cater a bit wider with changes - often it would have been perfectly possible to achieve what they were going for while not upsetting players who were more invested into that area of the game but any feedback to that end was pretty much ignored.
Eve’s golden age was when players had a more choices regarding solo and group play. There were also far less arbitrary mechanics in effect that seemed, well, arbitrary.
The game was also more difficult. They pretty much ignored what they did to ruin exploration and did it to the rest of the game.
Looks nice though.
There will always be diehards playing. They were still playing DAoC in 2018. And if the operation scales back, they can keep it running. So death is not a metric worth looking at.
Might be more of an afterthought. It’s already a Youtube ad that keeps popping up when you want to watch something and you have to click the “skip” button. Kind of sad.