Is Eve improving? - VOTE

Also, saying things like this seems like a kick in the foot to players who are already upset about things, don’t you think?


Just doesn’t seem very nice… These are mostly players who are dedicated to Eve and who have spent years building up their assets/skills/and invested heaps of their time into the game and helping others.

Eve players are not idiot’s, if they where they would have got scammed in Jita and left the game age’s ago, they are tough adaptive people who learn to survive, don’t underestimate eve players or treat them like babies that need hand holding.

In a few months time everyone will have adapted no matter how much they complain and will be perfectly fine with it and if its still not for them why not just move out of null to either low or high sec both are perfectly viable.

My statement isn’t supposed to underestimate anyone.

On the contrary - i’m trying to voice concerns they have raised about the game suddenly shifting gears…just because you enjoy the ‘blackout’, doesn’t mean that potentially half of the nullsec community, or even more, will.

It’s an inconvenience. Did ccp even consider or factor in everyone’s feelings?

I’m just asking the question to stir up the debate…I’m not for or against.

They literally released a song called HTFU and told everyone that EVE Online is meant to be a die hard Tough to survive Environment, that’s the focus, its like me playing mine craft and complaining about the graphics…or playing rust and complaining that I don’t get a nice safe place away from all harm.

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It’s funny that they don’t advertise Eve in this way at all to potential subscribers do they!!!

Only after you’ve spent a month figuring what the game’s about, dying on your way out to nullsec, and making tiny amounts of isk from mining that you’re told that poor crap.

Here’s a good article about the Blackout.

This line sums up why:

The reasons they’d want to do that are just as easy to see. Nullsec feels like it’s settling into a gestalt. Numbers of roaming hunters are down overall (even if they’re still coming to Delve in numbers).

So is it just to boost the number of hunters?

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That’s why alpha exists so people can see for themselves before investing in it :wink:

Whether or not, it’s still false advertising.

By the way everyone - apologies if this thread discussion has derailed slightly because of me…

It’s all in good fun.

I’ll try to keep the topic about the question at the start.

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Haha, I did this too but actually restarted my main from zero SP just because I wanted targets to think I was a noob. That sort of thing worked a whole lot better before they removed off-grid boosts though. I took down several whole fleets in an Incursus with boosts. Lately I’ve been skill injecting to catch up and function solo without boosts.

Hell yeah, good to see another OG belligerent undesirable back. My last stint in EVE was back in October-December, right before they tied wardecs to structures, just to have one last fling with the old mechanics. I did loads of BU type stuff, with great success. Documented it in my blog like the old days -

I thought I was done with EVE but I couldn’t resist coming back one more time when I heard about the nullsec blackout. Right now I’m having some fun lurking around Pandemic Horde space killing ratters and miners, but will have to get some BU shenanigans going soon.

The community isn’t as active since Monk left and Floppie’s revival petered out, but every time they change the mechanics they create new opportunities for chaos creators who are willing to adapt. Being a Belligerent Undesirable is the only real group identity I’ve ever had here, and I reckon EVE still has a place and a need for our sort.

So to answer OP’s question, I’m like 50/50. Lots of changes I haven’t liked but the core community hasn’t changed much, and that’s what really makes the game. The nullsec blackout is the best change in years and makes up for a lot, too. It’s still a great game.


Its the tabloid of EvE though.

Like The Sun.

And you should never look directly at The Sun.



I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this poll. I’m actually quite surprised at the numbers.

Here’s a summary of the results:

Is Eve improving?

Out of 148 votes:

55% said Yes
29% said No
16% said Not Sure

This is quite an interesting result I think which shows that viewpoints are quite modest / mild collectively and there seems to be no strong preference for or against, but perhaps the community appreciation can be seen as split down the middle?

To summarize then, Eve as a game seems to be improving according to the view of roughly half forum users.

However, roughly half also voted that Eve is not improving or that they are not sure. I think this is significant enough to warrant future discussion in this area.

Thanks everyone for voting!

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I think it’s becoming more of a theme park, slowly but surely.

Seems to happen to MMOs, they get released and gradually become worse.

So ‘no’ it’s not improving and I can’t see it doing so.


It’s always nice to see people saying that what one earned by hard work is given to him for free and demand it removed because of fairness.

It’s like worst aspects of USSR found its place in someones minds.

All I know is i miss 2010-2014. I miss flying a hurricane and i miss the old tracking enhancers. When extractors came out, i butchered my minnie alts 80m SP because i just never used her anymore. Many good things have happened since 2014. but i miss the old days. I wish they never added extractors.


The average person contributes nothing to their state security except taxes.

The average rich person doesnt even contribute taxes.

If you are trying to make me believe people behind desks do actual work, you arent going to get anywhere with that.

The system keeps the top in power because they convince those beneath them that doing work is a privilege not a chore they dont want to do, and so the latter philisophically defends the former.

So no, I stand by my statement. Its the way the world has pretty much always worked.

However, as the work in this case is krabbing, which is pressing f1 and going afk, where is the work?

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lol touché

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LoL… You cannot be serious with this post. :rofl:

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Really? How so?

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Wont seem to let me vote? Gotta relog I hope. But I would vote “Not Sure”.

I just unsubed my longest sub with this note;

"While all the recent changes have been in my favor, I feel they are ill conceived. There seem to be better ideas out there for a more balanced game. Pulling the rug out from your player base is no way to run a game. The numbers never came back from 2012.

Er ekki allt í lagi heima hjá þér with Himlar and Falcon?

They seem to have lost touch with the game."

Sorry, I had recently posted this in another thread, but it seemed to fit here as well.