How is that line incorrect? Does it mention you?
High-sec is the safest place in Eve.
in 4 years i’ve only been hit once, and that’s because I went afk for half an hour… at a gate …in a Leopard…in Uedama!
At the time I wasn’t even aware of that system and what it was about.
Huh. Sorry but thats not the answer I have on my card.
I speak the truth darling.
Not everyone can handle it
I disagree with your assesment.
I have no wish to argue a point, but there are many ways to measure safety and Im afraid High Sec actually comes out poorly.
I have never claimed to be an Eve expert,
A pro gamer,
Or anything of the sort…
but i’ve lived in high-sec for many years now…and it’s safe.
Anyone who actually buys and flies a freighter engages in the gank-warfare gameplay that is the bane of high-sec.
I choose not to because I realize that ccp just add freighters and jump freighters for that exact purpose of feeding pvp/hunter mechanics.
Sorry, I simply dont follow your reasoning.
And that’s perfectly ok.
What I love about this community is that we are all different.
(although i’m clearly the best )
But you get my point.
Hi sec safety. My view is that safety is firmly in the hands of the individual. Admittedly, there are a few extra things to consider with the triglavians.
Thats basically it.
If you mitigate risk in High Sec you are safer.
But in a Bloc in Null under an umbrella you dont have to do anything and its safer.
Except that using the POCOs (or doing almost anything else) in 1DQ1-A can lead to being exploded. Or at least, having someone from NC. try.
Also, the umbrella may not help if you are in a subcap.
Is it just roqs out there now?
Cos if so theres even more liars than usual in that there blackout thread lol
No it isn’t…
I lost a rorqual within 5 minutes of undocking in my second nullsec alliance.
Have never lost an orca in high-sec.
Nullsec = attack any player who is not in your cult
High-sec = free to go wherever you want, whenever you want basically, and in any ship you want.
Were you renting?
No I think the wormhole gang just took my alliance by suprise. They all died trying to defend me.
Mustve been a big gang.
Just the usual spider-tanked anti-rorqual gang.
I was in the right place at the right time…and I stink of fear so obviously I only got 5 minutes play out of my 5 billion isk rorqual lol.
If your in a risky situation in order to gain more isk/hour then losses are the norm get used to it, I’ve lost tons in nullsec over the years and its perfectly fine, safety is not something that is important in null its risk vs reward and if your losses are less than your rewards.
It’s called risk management, it just needs some thought instead of afk farming .
I think the biggest complain though is that the nullsec blackout has virtually turned all of nullsec into wormhole space.
So what’s the difference?
You can own one, you can’t own the other…oh and the stargates.
So they’re having to adapt to a brand new way of playing (with further risk involved)…so I can see many players leaving because of this.
Go read the black out thread and you will see there are tons of differences between wormhole space and null sec, null sec is still really safe compared to wormholes trust me :].