The Prophet encourages you to attempt to mine in systems other capsuleers have claimed for themselves as sovereign property.
Let me know how the false gods save you.
I’d stick to scamming unless you like the taste of your own pod goo
How do you work that one out, because I don’t believe in leaving trash in space?
One players trash is another players riches, just as in real life, scrap collectors exist for a reason and make a decent living from it.
Calm down Spacetramp.
The evolution of space-cockroaches were introduced to carry out those tasks for us! Are you a cockroach @Spacetramp_Drago ?
I’m a Noctiroach, a rare breed it seems.
We may continue this banter if you wish as we frostpacker’s had yet to meet up with that breed!
Those roaches even the very rare ones would all be from the same cocoon?
From time to time we are plagued by such garbage chasing cockroaches as seen in this report, Sigil | Iceacid Frostpacker | Killmail | zKillboard
Note the cargo, we like to take our trash to lowsec or even nulsec if we have the time!
Littering without a permit - 1 billion
It would have lived if it were a shield super.
The fact that they say you are paranoid does not prove that nobody is after you
Well Zeare… for starters you’re showing a minus sign before the one so there’s that!
But you seem to had forgotten your place as you’re not my princess as you are just the queen vampire butterfly
Flutter flutter flutter!!!
Its not paranoia if you think somoene is out to get you. Someone probably is.
Its when you think all them are in collusion to get you lol.
Read that somewhere but forget where.
Standard Catalyst or Navy Catalyst?
Code. has a period in it, so in the sentence “Mining Barges can be replaced with or without the help of Code.” Shouldn’t it say “Mining Barges can be replaced with or without the help of Code…”?
… at the end of a sentence would had meant to read as satire.
Even then it would be ‥ not … anyway.
Not this old cookie again!
Look at Eve like an RL space sim. There is good and bad in all of us.
Even you OP
You want toxic try Rust!
I got a GM letter for saying ■■■■ in chat the other day. It’s hard to be toxic in the land of the snowflakes and their enablers.
Mr Epeen
no, thats exactly the reason why its toxic … because of oll this little snowflake ! they take everythink personaly and start to cry… but it would safe your own lifetime if you dont care about “insults” and such hard wording.