Is Ganking Too Easy?

your right … i mistaken you with Aesir Valtari
my bad :slight_smile: you wasnt the person who wants to ban ganking

Yeah I thoroughly support ganking…even though I mine and haul as well. In fact I am now in a position to dual box my own little gank fleet. If I can persuade myself to go for a third Omega, the fleet may rise to three.

Starting small, be a while till you start ganking freighters then.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

You can mine, haul, and gank.

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CCP has only ever made ganking harder over the years. Constant nerfs and things added to inconvience the honest ganker, who is only trying to make the game better for everyone.


But , can you do them all at the same time whilst simultaneously running gatecamps?

Multiboxing with bots?

I’d like to see you try girl.

But I don’t use alts, or mult-box.

In a way drones are actually bots as they can be set to aggressive stance.

Make all drones passive only to try and help make ganking eariler!

Now wouldn’t it be funny if your drones gank you if you go AFK?

You are being dumb like Acko

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Wouldnt it be funny if your ship could malfunction and explode randomly?

Had you ever read over the system messages and ever seen that your ship is out of control?

I have!

The messages will have been referring to the pilot.

Not entirely sure if Iceacid’s ships have a pilot. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :innocent: :blush:

Getting ganked in Highsec is not a game issue, it’s a skill issue


more specific → a personal skill issue of the victim !

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