Is going subscription only the best way to save EVE?

Yes, being an Alpha periodically myself, I do indeed consume PLEX and bring in revenue and spend periodically.

Every plex consumed is taken off the market, more gets sold. Also special offers and other revenue earners.

If they allowed us to spend crypto, then that would allow even more frictionless spending. I do not use CC’s however due to mishaps that occur from unapproved charging and cancellation difficulties.

Quod erat demonstrandum

Doesn’t matter if you consume PLEX, somebody else paid money for it so you as an Alpha are not contributing to CCP’s revenue.

Alpha players can also buy PLEX and spend on the ingame store, we don’t have to be Omega to be paying customers.

You don’t have to be Omega to spend your PLEX you bought.

We just play differently.

Sure, that’s the hypothesis which is why I asked if you had Official data to back up that claim.

That’s not the hypthesis, that’s reality, it’s what I do, I am a data point.

I am my own living proof of my argument.

Quod erat demonstrandum

You buy PLEX as an Alpha account to purchase stuff from the NES?

Sure, why not, just because YOU don’t doesn’t mean others (me) don’t.

Not everybody plays the same way.

Cool a totally unprovable datapoint.

And now you will say “I dont care if you dont believe me, CCP does bleehhhh”

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So you’re an Alpha and you buy PLEX to buy what from the NES?

FYI, I’m a paid sub Omega, I also buy PLEX and various game packs as well.

I do go Omega from time to time when there’s offers.

I tend to do offers mostly. But in between I can be Alpha and still be a paying customer.

I’m also not a daily gamer, so it suits me just fine to be Alpha at times.

If it was sub only as it originally was, I would be no longer a customer for periods of time.

Alpha helps retain customers, it also helps bring in new customers.

ok, whatever you say…

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Of all the FTP versions of games atm, Alpha is one of the weakest and most limited. Do you not think CCP might retain more with either a more expansive Alpha programme, or a cheaper more generous sub?

Finer grained Omega periods, perhaps weekly? More payment methods such as crypto to buy PLEX vouchers to spend. to reduce payment friction and counterparty risk. More character capability by paying for different things that can work on Alpha? More Alpha capability customisation by spending PLEX as an alternative to full blown Omega? (PLEX for role tiers or PLEX for custom tiers, we pay and pick our own skill trees?)

Bring back Captians Quarters? Elite Dangerous is now doing their waking on planets/stations thing.

I think that anything that puts people off EvE is well known to CCP and they dont seem to have any ionterest in changing that.

Would be nice if theytold us so we didnt have to have endless debates about it.

But eh, they just seem to not want to actually do anything a normal person would do to fix a problem, so they just lie to their existing customer base and hope thats good enough.

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Count me in. Well, kind of. Not completely entirely as I had to pay for first two months, but at a time that was only option to actually play the game for longer than one week trial.

Oh you mean PLEX as sold by CCP. Then I never got any of that.

And where do PLEX get created from? Paying customers? Doesn’t matter who pays, as long as they’re created.

It comes down to managing the PLEX destruction/consumption vs creation cycle.

Each PLEX is a sale (a customer), usually in batches. Each PLEX created (sold) is revenue.

Most PLEX is a sale.

A small number are not.

Whom creates PLEX? It gets created when somebody buys a PLEX bundle.

Then it gets consumed (for a sub or ingame NEX store), or sold on the market in game for ISK.

Not exclusively, but for the most part yes.

Wow this takes me back to arguing this point with Salvos.

He was also suprised to find out that you start the game with more than 5000 isk

When PLEX is bought from CCP, the money is immediately taken from Credit Card and placed into their bank account. Doesn’t matter if the PLEX is used or not, CCP still made money on it. Just because they do some tricky record keeping to keep taxes low by claiming that PLEX isn’t revenue unless it’s used in-game, it’s still money in their bank.