But, originally an F2P element was introduced in MMOs to bolster the numbers of players in-game so as to make the game universe seem less deserted on games that were losing players. Nothing worse than a deserted MMO.
I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future subscriptions will phase out and games rely more on other in-game sales. But we’ll have to wait and see.
I don’t think many hardcore players would leave when Omega couldn’t be bought with PLEX. Some of them might, who have more spare time and less buying power due to living in a part of the world where buying an EVE subscription is too expensive for them.
But you’re looking at it from one perspective only, there is a completely different side to PLEX too:
PLEX is one of the most effective tools CCP has against botting and RMT.
The ability to buy PLEX and sell it for a good amount of ISK is what stops players who have the money and want to swap it for ISK from turning to RMT. RMT, as you may know, encourages all kinds of malpractices in order to obtain ISK ingame to fund the RMT, such as botting or hacking accounts.
In order for PLEX to be a viable alternative to RMT, the $ to ISK conversion needs to be competitive with RMT. It doesn’t have to be a better rate, but as long as PLEX is easier, safer and still within order of magnitude to rates for RMT, the ability to swap PLEX for ISK puts a lot of pressure on RMT happening in EVE.
Now comes your idea: stop players from using plex to buy Omega.
Now I do not know how much of the consumed PLEX is used to purchase Omega and how much is used to buy other products in the NES store, but I can tell you that once Omega stops being available for PLEX, the amount of ISK you get for PLEX will plummet.
And thus the demand for RMT ISK will go up.
And a high demand for RMT ISK means botting becomes more profitable.
If CCP were simply given subscription funds from all of the current playerbase, would there still be a need to constantly tinker with the ecosystem to essentially drive ‘organic’ plex purchasing?
Yes, as described above, it is very much needed to constantly tinker with the PLEX to ISK rate to keep it a more reasonable legal alternative of what RMT is offering.
TL;DR: Removing Omega for PLEX will encourage RMT and botting
Only if you redeem a gift card for physical goods - you are overlooking digital goods (music, movies, books, and software, for example) and services (massages, manicures, haircuts, pet grooming, and so on).
Access to EVE holds value in the form of a subscription. CCP receives income from the sale of subscriptions, to offset the expenses of maintaining and operating the game. Outstanding PLEX can be redeemed for game time - a service - they don’t get new money for that sub. This form of accounting (which is the international standard) ensures that CCP realizes the income from PLEX at the time it is redeemed, so they don’t have gaping voids in their income even while providing services when a bunch of folks redeem outstanding PLEX for game time and training certificates.
Yeah, there’s no evidence of this. Especially when you look at the actual market data; PLEX volume on the market has been declining steadily for a while now, and just recently took a bit of a nosedive. If CCP is trying to encourage people to buy more PLEX by changing nullification (??? connection where?) or redistributing minerals (??? connection where?), they’re doing a pretty bad job.
You’re just speculating on the basis of bad faith. Ultimately, your argument is grounded on your own sour feelings towards CCP. You’ve jumped on the “CCP just wants to increase PLEX sales!” meme bandwagon and are post-hoc coming up with (very thin) arguments.
Yes, there is a need to tinker with the ecosystem. It’s not to drive PLEX purchases (unsupported premise on your part), it’s to improve the health of the in-game economy.
Such as what? And please, if you provide an example, please draw the connection between the in-game change and how it increases PLEX sales. If you have hard data to back up your assertion, that would also be nice.
lmao, don’t think you have an influence on where the game is going. Either enjoy it or go do something else, don’t stay attached to potential. Goes for all games actually.
there is no way for EVE to survive ONLY subscription
how da ■■■■ would people try ? whit 10101001010101010 games on the market i find it hard to justify , well im going to pay per month to try this one. even wow have free play , no going back on this
that said CCP is going trough a mysterious path since the " triglavian invasion " times
it apear to have reduced new and old players satisfaction with the game …
better fix that or else …
I saw you getting into this completely nonsensical argument with someone else. Your premise is apparently that CCP do not wish to sell more products, and that if we can’t show some documentary evidence of CCP explicitly saying they wish to sell more micro-transaction products (which is of course not public record) then you would simply shoehorn this fundamental denial of reality into every response.
I saw also that it was impossible to get you to accept that this could even be part of the motivation for anything. For that reason, and because you do not seem capable of rational or logical thought, and are tied to a completely baffling viewpoint, I’m out.
I don’t recall any subscription style game that’s strictly only subscription. They all usually have some component of FTP to it. Correct me if i’m wrong
Revenue wise it would shut out a lot of people and lose CCP a lot of money. It doesn’t take an economics major to figure this out guys.
Straw man. Reductio ad absurdum. Argument from motivation fallacy.
I never denied the possibility. I’m asking you folks to provide some credible evidence, which you never can. Funny isn’t it how you accuse me of being close minded all because I don’t go along with your baseless, paranoid conclusions meanwhile not entertaining the possibility that maybe you’re wrong. Ironic.
Actual meaning: “You’ll thrash me in an argument, because I don’t actually have an argument, so I’m not going to get into an argument with you. Instead, I’ll come up with some high handed, virtue-signally reasons to save face.”
All game products have a shelf life, Eve onlines has been an enormous one even by MMO standards. A fixed subscription would not extend life & would likely reduce 1/4 turnover because having a fixed subscription would shatter the illusion that players can in future when they ‘‘get gud’’ fund their progression via gameplay. Fixed subscriptions would definitely reduce actual 1/4 subscription turn over & so will never be brought in unless CCP is desperate in future & is ill advised to do so by creditors/owners.
Ah but if the Alpha player DIDN’T consume plex then there would be no reason for the omega player to buy it and place it on the market.
If you look at the history of plex it was first called “buy a sub for your buddy” plex was initially released only for the purpose of gaining access to the game.
So yes alpha players do very much contribute to CCP revenue by creating a demand for plex. If that demand was removed for any reason we would see a negative change in ccp revenue.
If an Alpha player buys PLEX in-game to use for sub, then that player is no longer an Alpha. Also there’s plenty of reasons why a subbed Omega player would purchase PLEX, everything from buying NES items to selling PLEX for ISK to buff wallet.
Anyway, still haven’t seen anybody post proof that Alpha players contribute to CCP’s revenue intake.
I get what you’re saying, however, Alpha’s are a part of the CCP machine, yes they are a small cog but like many other small cog’s they help make the biggest cog turn and generate revenue.
Clearly from the charts alone one could say Corona Virus Lockdowns temporarily stopped the drop as more people were stuck at home with little else to do imo.
No, but I will say this - it’s posts like the end, where you consider this to be about who ‘wins an argument’ and claiming some sort of bragging rights as the victor, as I saw you do yesterday in an infinite loop that makes a discussion with you deeply unappealing.
For reference, your argument is that the bakery does not want to sell bread, and you are asking people to prove that it does, only because it has never overtly stated ‘our aim is to sell more bread’.
CCP’s business is funded by selling products, the onus is on you to prove that CCP does not wish to sell more of them, not me or anyone else. Just because you jump in demanding that people prove/disprove something does not make your argument any more valid.
The idea that CCP are golems, unaware of the impact of their market changes, that have a direct impact on player needs and purchases is something you need to prove, not anyone else. I would say given the detailed way they talk about the economy and ramifications of changes, it’s the one thing they very much do care about.
Yeah whatever dude, you’re grasping at straws here, looking for any excuse not to back up your claims. If it’s not this, it’s that, bla bla bla. All I’m hearing are excuses, and what I’m not seeing is… proof, evidence, even a sound, reasoned argument. Nothing.
Straw man.
Nope. I’m asking for you to substantiate your claim that “the changes” CCP are making to the game are done with the aim of “selling more PLEX”.
No, I don’t need to prove things I never claimed. This is just shifting goalposts.
You know what you sound like? You sound like a pleb who has no argument and nothing to substantiate their claims, so you’re straw manning, shifting goalposts, and trying to put it all on me in order to distract from that. That’s not going to work on me.