Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

It’s not about competition. It’s about harvesting delicious salt, fighting for the noble cause of space environmental protection against the greedy space polluters, and being willing to sacrifice oneself selflessly for the overall health of the EvE economy (who will make and buy new ships if the old ones last forever? Shall we all just sit idly by while all the stuff gluts the market driving prices down?)

The competition itch is scratched in other ways. “Fighting back” for haulers and miners happens mostly with the mind through proper preparation, preventative measures, and awareness, not ongrid. ccp could give freighters wave-motion guns and barges abyssal geckos and it wouldn’t change much

Hah I can only imagine the rage if mutaplasmids worked with Geckos…

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ikr - That would be amusing.

Revenge is dumb and childish.

All the worst things that have ever happened are because people wanted revenge.

Revenge doesnt even equal retribution. Or justice. Its why they are different words.

Thats complete guff and you know it. You cant have experience in something youve never experienced. Stop being so desperate to defend a lie about a game yoy dont even play.

Im not the one crying, you are the one complaining that the game is too hard and needs made easier. Im happy to compete against gankers. You arent to the point you quit.

It really is you displaying no logical argument here at all.

You are such a liar.

Until you are actually going to get back on topic, you can join your fellow troll in being ignored for talking garbo about a game you dont play.


You can scout with one account my guy. It ain’t that hard.

“Win-win” means that two different people or groups (often opposing in some manner) both get a win. In other words, it doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Sounds like work. Also it sounds like loads of imagination would be required.

Self destruct is an option. Unfortunately, I don’t think it destroys all the cargo so it doesn’t really make a difference.

Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

I believe there are good and bad effects. I believe it could be tweaked to be MUCH better for the game, but that would require the aforementioned work and imagination. I am not going to hold my breath.

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How is something that has a 2 minutes timer, an option at all in a suicide gank situation?

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Good point. I suppose the OP could petition for a change to that mechanic.

Already explained why that does not work, if you think otherwise I have a bridge in a desert to sell you.

You are where I am. o7

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Why doesn’t scouting ahead with one account work?

Sure, it won’t be 100% reliable, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work the majority of the time?

Already explained above.

Because Drac hasn’t worked out how to make it work, so by his reasoning that means it can’t work at all (since he thinks of himself as a very experienced and skillful player).

Meanwhile, those that know how to do it effectively, continue to haul safely.

Already explained above, obviously reading and comprehension is beneath you. Though trolling is not… There was a time where you did not troll like this, pity to see you so infected with the Eve forum disease, I get that you don’t like me, but I no longer think much of you either.

I don’t know you, so I don’t have any basis to not like you.

I don’t like the position that changes are needed just to suit solo freighter pilots, because the tools already available to them are seen as not enough, because there is still some risk left.

But as for you personally, I have no basis to not like you.

As the saying goes - argue the topic, not the person.

But I get it, you’ve made your view clear.

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You should follow your own advice, when I detailed the way I had caught a cloaky camper by mimicking his BM’s you made a great thing about me lying, it was a personal attack. Ever since then, I saw you as not being quite as good as I thought you were, especially when I flagged another such incident being carried out in Stain to you and you did not even have the courage to reply to it. Over more recent years you troll more and you are loose with data.

Your reply to me here is a personal attack.

And I treated it as such. As for Eve I am an experienced and competent player and have been acknowledged as that by people to my face, not people playing forum flame wars. Again I don’t care what a random troll on the internet thinks of me, but previously I saw you as better than that.

What I have said will still have risk left, I am not after full safety and never have been, your assumption is incorrect.

It is not about whether you like it, that matters not, it is about the issue that impacts the game and makes less people play it. It is detailed above why, read it and reply to that, otherwise your posts are hot air.

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No, that is not what I did at all. I called you out for a claim you made that if you warp on the same path as a cloaky camper and make a bookmark, the bookmark will be at exactly the same spot.

Later, after being called out on it, it was clear that he wasn’t actually cloaked and you made a bookmark close to him, the way many people have done that in the past.

It is still a wrong statement to say that if you warp on the same line, you’ll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot. I can go grab the quote if it will help clarify.

I have no clue what this refers to, but it doesn’t take courage or otherwise to post in the forum. Maybe consider the possibility that I just didn’t see it? Or didn’t think it was something relevant, or whatever, but I have no clue what this is about.

Not intended that way. Poorly worded on my part; and I can see how it would be interpreted that way.

It was intended purely against the point, not you personally, but I can see how the opposite can be read into it.

My mistake.

To continually dismiss approaches that are used every day by haulers to great effect, as though the experience of others is irrelevant, because it somehow isn’t safe to haul solo, really does make it appear that the position comes from a lack of knowledge and experience in solo freighter hauling.

No one is experience and competent at everything in the game. This is one area, where based on the experience of others, it appears that the position of more fitting needed because of solo freighter pilots, is derived from a less experienced position, even though in other areas of the game, someone may be a God level genius.

Have the data on that? How many fewer people play because they can’t solo a freighter across highsec in 100% safety?

How many fewer, or more will play if they can solo a freighter across highsec in 100% safety?

Where is the actual evidence and actual analysis?

@Dracvlad can you help me understand why Aiko is wrong or how she is right but you really meant what she said anyways? This has been left unaddressed by you for 2 days, and I’m getting worried.

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I will help out. First off, Aiko does not even know the difference between explicit and implicit. What she wanted to say was that the war dec was implicitly consented to by owning a structure.

This is a bit like Frank telling you you might get mugged if you walk down the dark alley he is standing near because you are wearing nice clothes. You go down the alley and sure enough Leroy mugs you. When you complain Leroy says that he knows Frank warned you what might happen, you went down the alley anyway, so therefore, you must have wanted to get mugged ie you consented. And a REAL mugging is not complete without a punch in the face…so BAM!

Folks like this are also fond of saying that you consent to getting ganked (they think ganked and PVP are synonymous BTW) simply by undocking. But when I have suggested making that official CCP policy complete with a pop-up at undock, all I get is stalling…cause they know its a bunch of bull.

Long story short, you can trust Dracvlad for honesty, but know that there are those here who cannot keep their in-game trolling from their out-of-game trolling. Learn who they are and you will be much happier for it.


I appreciate the sincerity, and to me the “War-Dec-able” attribute of a corp being “yes” or “no” is pretty explicit in being a boolean value. You either are or aren’t.

Plus, the analogy you use to me is pretty flawed. If I had a guaranteed way to never getting mugged in real life, I personally would have done that (and, some would say, becoming an immigrant and going through those stresses has helped achieve that outcome). You can see why this analogy is a digression.

I get the concern around “consent”, I just don’t think it is a practical nor morally reasonable stance to believe turning that boolean attribute to a “yes, war-dec-able” means there is a moral ought to be no war decs. There is an easier way to achieve that moral ought outcome and it is guaranteed by owning no structures, otherwise I believe one is just ignoring the reality of the game mechanics afforded to the “yes, war-dec-able” state of a corp.

The term gangk has been used so much in this thread that it has lost all meaning XD

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