No, that is not what I did at all. I called you out for a claim you made that if you warp on the same path as a cloaky camper and make a bookmark, the bookmark will be at exactly the same spot.
Later, after being called out on it, it was clear that he wasn’t actually cloaked and you made a bookmark close to him, the way many people have done that in the past.
It is still a wrong statement to say that if you warp on the same line, you’ll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot. I can go grab the quote if it will help clarify.
I have no clue what this refers to, but it doesn’t take courage or otherwise to post in the forum. Maybe consider the possibility that I just didn’t see it? Or didn’t think it was something relevant, or whatever, but I have no clue what this is about.
Not intended that way. Poorly worded on my part; and I can see how it would be interpreted that way.
It was intended purely against the point, not you personally, but I can see how the opposite can be read into it.
My mistake.
To continually dismiss approaches that are used every day by haulers to great effect, as though the experience of others is irrelevant, because it somehow isn’t safe to haul solo, really does make it appear that the position comes from a lack of knowledge and experience in solo freighter hauling.
No one is experience and competent at everything in the game. This is one area, where based on the experience of others, it appears that the position of more fitting needed because of solo freighter pilots, is derived from a less experienced position, even though in other areas of the game, someone may be a God level genius.
Have the data on that? How many fewer people play because they can’t solo a freighter across highsec in 100% safety?
How many fewer, or more will play if they can solo a freighter across highsec in 100% safety?
Where is the actual evidence and actual analysis?