Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

This is not a moral question. Its a logical one. The knowledge that something “might” happen is not the same as consenting to that occurence. If it were then buying fire insurance would be consent to arson. After all, it says “house fire” right in the contract. NO!

Maybe you think I am saying that non-consensual war decs should be stopped for this reason? I am not. I am just saying that calling that consensual is incorrect. Awareness of potential consequences is NOT equivalent to consent to the consequences if they happen to occur. We all know that when we buy and drive a new car, it might get scratched. But that does not mean you consented to someone using a steel nail to write their name on your hood. To say you didn’t consent is not the same as ignoring reality.

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Whether revenge is dumb or childish or whatever has no baring on this… ganking is pretty childish like knocking someone’s sand castle over - that doesn’t have much baring on this either.

Have no idea how you think that is guff - your logic is badly broken - you don’t need to experience a car crash for yourself to learn from other people’s mistakes and reduce your chances of being in a car crash for example…

I’ve not complained the game is too hard once or suggested it be made easier - that is complete inventions on your part - I never quit the game because of gankers. Likewise claiming I’m a liar - prove it - I never once suggested people be protected from ganking only suggests ways in which it was less of a one way street after they got ganked.

Feel free to ignore me.

While it is possible to scout ahead with one character it is far from reliable - during one war dec we had a target scouted, we were waiting one gate out knowing they were coming that way, they docked up and took a shuttle obviously to check ahead, so we cleared off the gate, they went back and undocked with their original ship and jumped straight into us.

You are really distorting the concept of consent, in order to try and maintain some kind of imaginary moral high ground in a video game.

If you play on a PvP server, you consent to PvP. That fact that you are bad at PvP, and lose, doesn’t change the fact that you did consent.


I do agree with that - but on the other hand being a PVP environment I would expect that if one player can reach out and touch another player they shouldn’t have the potential to do so immune to that player doing the same in return - even if there are a lot of cases where the victim isn’t interested in doing that.

If, and I have done so a few times, I deprive someone of their ship in high-sec I’d fully expect them to get angry with me and want to return the favour. That is what PVP is about…

In Highsec, CONCORD automatically removes the attacker’s ship.

You’d know this, if you played EVE Online.

Regardless, I’m fine with removing CONCORD.

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CONCORD != another player.

If you bothered to check I’m well aware of how Eve Online works…

As I said, I’m perfectly fine with removing CONCORD from the game entirely.

Players shouldn’t rely on an NPC for Safety.

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Personally wouldn’t have cared either way - I spent most of my early days in lowsec and wormholes - but essentially turning the whole of highsec into lowsec in reality would just result in 90% of new players griefed into quitting before they’d learnt to walk.

Good riddance.

Maybe we can get some less whiny players to join the game, after all the trash is gone.

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Apparently some people will still jump through even when they find the hankers are waiting for him

If you are hunting someone(s) then out of corp alts to scout them, if they scout ahead move your combat ships back another system or sit them on the other side of a wormhole if there is one in a good place, etc. - even if they scout you have eyes on them and can reposition as necessary and without another character to stay one jump ahead there is that gap they are vulnerable in.

Don’t fly a ship you can’t afford to lose. If you don’t feel you can safely pilot a freighter, maybe you shouldn’t be a freighter pilot.


My comment was in respect to how effective scouting with a single character is - I assume they mean single character rather than main + single scout.

Corp I used to be in used a freighter as bait now and again - was all fun and games and a few fell for it until we ran into Snuff hah - trying to out escalate them on capitals on their home turf didn’t exactly work well.

Everyone flys ships that they can’t afford to loose, from time to time, it’s accepting the consequences of flying said ship.

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I don’t get the fun in flying something which doesn’t make you go ouch if you lose it. I was more I’d rather lose a 5bn ISK ship in a memorable engagement kind of person than lose 20 ships I couldn’t care less about.

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First off, if you are hunting someone he did something to stand out as a target.
Then, if you are using alts to acout then, he can see your scouts and asses the situation.
Assuming those people in local represents no risk is an error that bring unpleasant consequences. He just lost the PvP which in case was consensual since he freely choose a goal(pass through undisturbed) in conflict with the goal of a different player.

If you (in general) are any good at scouting they won’t have a clue unless the systems are completely deserted and you loiter too long/use the same characters too frequently.

As for the PVP/consensual aspect that isn’t something I’m voicing an opinion on.

A good player getting the upper hand over someone that is not as good is working as intended, no problem here.
There is no defence for someone that, with all options available to him, decided to rely on the most ineffective tactic.(edit, and execute it poorly too)


Aiko does not know the difference between a rule and a guideline (The ship you cannot afford to replace thing) . Note she also accused me of moralizing when I clearly said I was not talking about a moral point but rather a logical one.

Best to ignore Aiko as much as possible. If she is not actively trying annoy the crap out of people here, then its accidental. And if its accidental it amounts to a fact that would be interpreted as an unforgiveable insult, so I won’t say what it means clearly.

Whichever, Aiko is no help. Ignore her.