Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

Without some sort of intel beyond mere scouting, only the gankers know who they are waiting for. And with multiple freighters traveling in and out of systems, some might just hope they wlll get lucky.

Also there is the point that some systems are never free of gankers, and also that there is often only one route to a destination available so can’t go around.

What I don’t get is why I don’t hear anyone suggest to just wait until a system is full of red flashies before entering. That’s a 15 minute window of safety from known ganker groups and so many are so active you don’t have to wait long at all. Talk about laziness.

With multiple characters and/or corp support there are loads of ways around that whether using wormhole chains or going to the extremes of black ops bridging outbound from high sec then back in (assuming that is still possible) - though in a cloaky you don’t have to worry so much about ganks.

I have never heard of black ops bridging.

And its really difficult for me to imagine the scale of a network it would take to get freighters through wormholes reliably, and I mean not only safely but also timely, what with them being random. I don’t do large corps so I wouldn’t know the commonality of that.

Regardless, we are talking about people who rarely even use a multi-boxed scout, so…I think you are suggesting quite a lot.

In that case you’d be looking at jump freighters - I was talking more in general really. Though cloaky BRs don’t really need bridging to get safely through potentially camped space.

It is an edge case really but I occasionally put my Widow alt to that use.

Solo scouting does work. Nothing works 100% of the time, ergo your rebuttals are useless rofl.

It is. People know what brings a war dec. Learn to EVE kthx.

It wasn’t reliable cause that guy was dumb and didn’t check local or d-scan lol. He did not know how to EVE and deserved his death.

There’s always a way around and I already suggested that. Drac said it wouldn’t work ROFL. Nm that they regularly tell peeps in the AG intel channel about timers on the gankers so you can time your jump.

I can’t remember which we did specifically in that instance but we either moved our combat ships back another system or jumped to the other side of a wormhole in system while using alts to keep tags on what he was doing - there are all kinds of ways to avoid suspicion pretending to do pi for instance with a scout gives a good cover for loitering.

Yeah. And we all know what brings taxes too…having jobs and owning property. It does not mean that we wanted to be taxed, or even that we consented. We just accept it as a crappy part of living life, just like some accept war decs as a crappy part of playing EVE at a certain level.

Of course some love getting war decced, but they only consented after the fact.

Pretty good idea to have a scout in an Epithal!

Anyway, it’s good that there are ways to counter scouting ahead solo, but that doesn’t mean scouting ahead solo is not useful.

A lot of tools in EVE only partially increase your survivability, not 100%. Combine them and you have a good chance to make it through.

Non-wardeccable hauler, scout, mwd-cloak trick, gatecheck tool for the route, avoid the most camped system, etc.

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I had a love hate relationship with highsec wars - I always found the game a touch glitchy during combat for some reason in busy systems - for instance telling me for a good 30 seconds or so I was outside of docking radius on the main Amarr station, while being engaged by the deccers, when I blatantly was in a position to dock - before finally letting me dock.

I enjoyed the cloak and dagger of a good war though.

One of the dead giveaways was the people scouting in a covert ops frigate heh.

If the scout is cloaked and/or has scanning probes out it shouldn’t arise that much suspicion though. Unless he jumps after the target for multiple systems.

Ill do my very best, though I do reply to trash when its directed at me.

Yeah for that to be true youd have to explain how it is which, like playing a game you claim to be so knowlegable about, you dont seem to be able to do.

You really are just trolling now to make yourself feel better because you dont have any actual point nor are you able to make it in a rational, mature way.

I don’t think you get how this ignoring thing works…

And, as Ive said, Im not ignoring anything thats a direct reply to me.

You dont seem to get how reading works.

Along with logic, manners, discussing like an adult etc.

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Not if you keep talking to me

Im I going to have to draw you a diagram?

I’m waiting for that diagram.

PS I gave you a good illustration and - I put 13,000 hours into this game before I quit which is quite easy to see if you follow up my killboard and corp/alliance history, etc. which will give a good idea as to some of my other characters - I might have ya know picked up a thing or two in that time.

Ypu havent been waiting very long. You seem impatient.

You --Reply–> Me --Reply–> You

There you go.

If you had we wouldnt be having this ridiculous back and forth.

I dont care about your made up statistics. You could do something for a million years and if something has never happened to you, you cannot be said to be experienced in it.

Why you are holding onto this lie that youve never been ganked is beyond me. But its still not the point:

IF its possible for a character to put in 13,000 hours and NEVER be ganked tgen WHY should ganking be made harder, more difficult or awkward?

Ignore everything else in this reply and answer that if you are genuine about this discussion.

Something like this?

If Rroff talking:
 If talking to Ramona:
  Ramona reads
  Ramona ignores

Thats a lot better than mine lol

I think my crayon needs sharpened.

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