Highsec Hysterics:
A gank is an ambush, pure and simple. Whether it’s for fun, loot, tears – whatever – you have been stealthily and suddenly attacked by someone who wanted to blow up your ship. No harm in that.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re in Null, Highsec, Lowsec, or Wormhole Space; the only differences relevant to these locations, are your carefully manipulated expectations. You have still been ambushed.
It is this thwarting of expectations which is partly the cause of so much grief among the nay-sayers of Highsec, and not the lack of retributive game mechanics, or fitting options.
Using the phrase ‘I should be able to…’ in connection with the safe conduct of your activities in EVE’s open spaces, is a further example of this attitude. You feel entitled to go about your business free from molestation by those who have wicked designs upon your assets and/or person.
In this, you are reasoning as you would outside the Game. But EVE is not Real Life; far from it. Highsec is, in fact, a strictly and closely controlled environment, in which anything the would-be mischief-maker can think of – within the rules – can be visited upon his/her victim. That is down to CCP (Crowd Control Productions).
Outside the game, you might say, for example, ‘I should be able to walk the streets at night in safety’, or ‘I should be able to leave my front door unlocked and my car keys in a disused ash-tray on the small table in the passage, next to the umbrella stand.’ But you are wary of doing these things, because the likelihood of you or your property being targeted by criminals, causes you to be cautious. You fear genuine loss.
In EVE, your character is immortal, and your ‘property’ belongs to CCP. Perhaps you have developed tender feelings for that character, your ships, your dwellings, your Isk. You struggle to let go of them when Gustav the Ganker turns up and destroys your stuff.
You may have an opinion about ganking in the game, but in playing EVE you consent to the authority of the Company in taking the actual decisions. You may disagree with them, but at least try to understand the topic.
Only a fool refuses to change his/her mind when prompted by the receipt of new information; it is an even greater fool who expresses the notions he/she does hold in terms so vague as to be borderline-incoherent.
Ganking is neither good nor bad for the game; it is a playstyle supported by the game’s makers. Calm down…